So why is the UK pushing ahead with oil and gas expansion?



It’s the hottest year on record and the world is grappling with the deadly effects of climate change.


So why is the UK pushing ahead with a huge expansion in oil and gas production, including Rosebank, whilst claiming to be climate leaders?


The answer, John, is fossil fuel lobbying and dirty donations.


The industry is building connections and donating millions to other political parties to protect its planet wrecking activities and eye watering profits.


The Green Party is committed to bold and ambitious climate action to speed up a green and just transition.


We do not accept donations from oil and gas, heavily polluting industries and climate change deniers.


And our MPs will work tirelessly to stop all fossil fuel extraction, end oil and gas subsidies and introduce a carbon tax to make polluters pay.


By becoming a Green Friend, John, you will be helping us stand up to powerful, vested interests and secure a fairer and more liveable future.


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Thanks for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ