

We got crushed in the primary, and I’m fine with it.


I have some thoughts I’d like to unpack with all of you who supported our campaign, but if you’re in a hurry I’ll cut to the chase:

A graphic of the “I ain’t reading all that” meme with the 2nd line reading “free palestine” with a Palestine flag emoji.

I wasn’t planning to run for Congress again this year. I ran two hard fought campaigns in 2020 and 2022, getting within striking distance of the general election both times.


Following my 2022 race, I announced that I was done with the Democratic Party. After three decades of organizing within the party and fighting for progressive change, it was abundantly clear to me that there is no path to climate justice, worker justice, or peace in a party so deep in the tank for war and Wall Street.


I joined the Green Party and decided to support local candidates, continue organizing, and continue to do the most good I can.


Then I was approached by Green Party leadership. They asked me to run one more time for Congress, this time as a Green. They promised to support my campaign. They did, and I’m grateful.


The majority of my staff and volunteers came from the Green Party of WA. They all worked their asses off and carried this campaign while I pulled double-duty managing Jill’s campaign and continuing to work a full-time job.


My decision to change parties and launch this campaign as a Green Party candidate came long before October 7th. Over the last 10 months I’ve watched the Democratic Party fall utterly in line with a genocidal madman and actively cheer on the annihilation of Gaza.


Just weeks ago the Democrats stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Republican fascists clapping like seals while Netanyahu spewed 90 minutes of Israeli propaganda to Congress.


Despite all the obstacles we faced in this race for running under the Green Party banner – and I will talk about those – I will never, ever run for anything as a Democrat again.


The Democrats are a monstrously corrupt party and the driving force behind this genocide, pretending they stand for anything other than the continuation of an economic system that is killing our planet and killing all of us.


So where do we go from here?


I am determined to build a viable political party to challenge the bipolar corporate uniparty we currently have. And Greens? We have a lot of work to do.


I knew our race was in trouble this week the minute I saw this graphic of voter turnout from the Washington Secretary of State:

 A chart showing registered voters compared to voter turnout, with extremely low turnout reflected in all voters under age 65, particularly among young voters under 40, with registered voters reflecting over 100,000 among age brackets 18-45 with voter participation under 20,000 in each of these categories.

I was criticized for running as a Democrat in 2020 and 2022, but the people who were yelling at me to go third party then have now got their answer. Again, I am never running as a Democrat again, nor would I encourage anyone else to. But if we don’t reckon with this reality as a party, we have no path forward.


Our campaign focused on young people, they didn’t show up.


Our campaign focused on Gaza in the voter guide, people didn’t read it.


At the end of the day, Democrats still voted D, Republicans still voted R.


If we want people to vote Green, we have to build a party that can deliver on our policy goals by getting people elected.


I’m incredibly proud of the fact that membership of the Washington State Green Party DOUBLED over the course of my campaign. It’s a start, but it’s not enough.


Greens need to develop strong and effective campaign infrastructure, cultivate political organizing talent, and make sure Greens have professionally staffed, competent campaigns by supporting them with fundraising.


I’m doing my part. Today I’m asking you to help me support the Greens still on the ballot this year by making a donation to the Washington Greens – who were the heart and soul of this campaign and who I am proud to call my allies.

For the next few months I will continue my efforts to elect Dr. Jill Stein as our next president. You can donate to Jill’s campaign here:

I will also continue to use this newsletter list to spread the word about Greens and independents who need your support. I hope you will read about them and contribute whenever you can.


I refuse to believe we are consigned to a future of waste and war. I will keep fighting for the world we deserve, and I hope you will, too.


I am deeply grateful for everyone who believed and contributed to this campaign. What we did here was important, and the impact of our work will never be measured by ballots alone.


As always, free Palestine.


In solidarity,




Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at, and donate today to help us make history.


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