We're demanding action from the Trump administration


The House Judiciary Committee just sent a bold and urgent letter to the Trump administration's ATF urging federal oversight to monitor and regulate the MASSIVE surge in sales of UNTRACEABLE ghost guns during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Ghost guns are specifically designed to avoid all gun laws, oversight, and regulations — thereby posing grave public safety risks. Ghost gun kits are readily available online and open to purchase by anyone without a background check. This, paired with the absence of a serial number, is exactly what motivates prohibited buyers to seek out ghost gun parts and kits.

John, we need to voice our support for members of the House Judiciary! Will you send a quick message thanking them for taking swift action to address ghost guns and prevent gun violence? >>>

This is urgent — at least 16 companies that sell ghost gun kits have reported overwhelming demand amid the coronavirus pandemic. These unregulated firearms pose grave risks to us all. Luckily, members of the House Judiciary Committee are taking action — and we need them to know we're behind them! Will you join us in thanking them for demanding action and holding the Trump administration and ATF accountable?

Together, we can show an outpouring of support so that everyone knows that the majority of Americans want common-sense efforts to prevent gun violence. Now more than ever, we must demand solutions that will save lives!

Team Brady


840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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