The America we love is under attack.
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The America we love is under attack.

The current crisis has exposed the left.

Left wing politicians are using their emergency powers to prevent Americans from exercising their constitutional rights.

  • Americans are banned from attending church, even if safety precautions are taken.
  • Americans are banned from purchasing firearms, even while marijuana and liquor stores remain open.
  • And Americans who speak out against the left’s assault on our freedoms….are denounced as endangering public safety.

It’s all part of the Left’s sustained assault on what makes America unique and great.

If you cannot stand to see this destruction continue for one more day, then Speaker Newt Gingrich invites you, your friends, and your family to join him in Defending America.

This 6-part video course covers the most critical issues facing our country, from culture and economics to religion and self-defense. It is a world-class history lesson from a world-class professor.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How the Left poisoned the “melting pot,” using “multiculturalism” not to celebrate other cultures but to turn us against our each other and tear apart the country;
  • Why religious faith is and always has been so essential to liberty, and what we must do to defend against those trying to replace our God-given freedom with man-based tyranny;
  • How the Left is destroying opportunity and the American dream -- while grabbing power for itself under the guise of “helping us;”
  • What the growing efforts to silence free speech by the Left mean for conservatism and freedom itself, and the knowledge you need to fight back;
  • Why the Left’s attack on your Second Amendment rights is based on a totally phony narrative, and what the Founders really believed about your right to self-defense; and
  • How the D.C. swamp creatures are hurting Americans, and what we can do to drain the swamp and send them home once and for all.

Defending America is designed to:  

  • i) ARM  you with comprehensive knowledge of American history, values, and principles;
  • (ii) EXPOSE  how the Left is working overtime to erode them; and
  • (iii) TEACH  you what you can do to defeat their arguments and win back the country.
“This is outstanding…This valuable teaching tool should be promoted and available to students, teachers, voters, citizens, recent immigrants and others. We all need to understand our history and how fragile freedom is.”

Andrea C.

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Shakedown: A Novel

New York Times best-selling authors Newt Gingrich and Pete Earley are back with SHAKEDOWN, the second in their riveting series of ripped-from-the-headlines political thrillers featuring Valerie Mayberry and Brett Garrett.
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Trump vs. China

Every American needs to understand the threat to America’s safety and prosperity posed by China’s re-emergence as a world power. TRUMP VS CHINA will lay out China’s multi-pronged attack against the United States and what we must do to combat it.
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Sweet Land of Liberty

A New York Times best seller!

Take a guided tour through American history with Ellis the Elephant. Sweet Land of Liberty takes children on an entertaining and educational journey to introduce and explain the greatness of America. Traveling through time, Ellis partakes in the pivotal moments that have shaped our nation’s unique history and character. Authored by Callista Gingrich and illustrated by Susan Arciero, Sweet Land of Liberty will delight young and old alike through the charming adventures of Ellis the Elephant and the story of why America is an exceptional nation.
+ Buy Now
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