It’s almost here, John! The “Who is Caring for Us?” #CareForAll Town Hall starts at 4 PM Eastern /1 PM Pacific. Are you joining us? I sure hope so.

You can tune in live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter at 4 PM Eastern / 1 PM Pacific to watch organizers, experts, and caregivers discuss the problems we’re all facing in this moment. Folks want to connect and feel a sense of community and that’s just what we’ve got planned. It will be complete if you’re with us!
COVID-19 has made it clearer than ever before that we are all interconnected. Many of us are experiencing caregiving in whole new ways, from trying to homeschool our children while also working, to taking care of parents at a distance. A groundswell of people is feeling this systemic failing, which is a huge opportunity to change things.
Join us at 4 PM Eastern / 1 PM Pacific as Ai-jen Poo, Alicia Garza, Natalie Gontcharova, Jennifer Olsen, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Aminatou Sow, and caregivers from across the country ask, “Who is Caring for Us?”
Tune in to watch live on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube at 4 PM Eastern / 1 PM Pacific.
With care,
Beth Shipp
Managing Director
Caring Across Generations