Dear Friend,

I wish I could sit down with you face to face instead of writing this e-mail.
Eric and Sarah
That's a picture of me and my husband, Eric, so you at least know what we look like.

Eric is a Detective with the Kansas City Police Department.

I wanted to send a picture of us with our three beautiful children – but in this current political climate, I don't feel safe sharing photos of our kids on the Internet.

When I tell you what happened, I think you'll understand. And I pray that you'll find it in your heart to help me save my husband.

You see, it all started in early December – a few weeks before Christmas.

One of Eric's fellow detectives witnessed two vehicles speeding through the city streets – one was clearly chasing the other – and the police helicopter quickly got involved. A spotter in the helicopter was able to locate the suspect in a red pickup truck… still speeding down city streets.

The driver, 26-year-old Cameron Lamb, was chasing his ex-girlfriend in a stolen truck – weaving across lanes and running through stoplights.

My husband and his partner responded to the call and caught up with the suspect as he attempted to back the stolen truck into a garage.

Both detectives got out of their police vehicles and approached the stolen truck while repeatedly ordering the suspect to STOP and SHOW HIS HANDS.

That's when it happened.

As Eric's partner approached the driver's side, the suspect reached into his waistband and pulled out a handgun – pointing it directly at the detective.

My husband's police training kicked in.

He fired four rounds in the direction of the suspect through the truck's front windshield. The truck continued traveling into the garage where it finally came to a stop.

When officers entered, they found the suspect deceased – his arm hanging out the open window with a .45 semi-automatic pistol on the ground below.

That night, when Eric returned home, I hugged him and burst into tears. I was so thankful he was safe – and hopeful we could move forward and put this episode behind us.

But it didn't end there.

Several months later, the local prosecutor charged Eric with MANSLAUGHTER and Armed Criminal Action.

I was in shock.

Then late last year, my husband finally went to trial. The judge ruled against him – and Eric was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Now you understand why I'm asking for your help.

My husband is an honest man of integrity who followed in his father's law enforcement footsteps. Eric himself is a decorated, 21-year veteran of the Kansas City Police Department.

He's a role model in our community – a Little League baseball coach, a tireless volunteer, and a loving husband and father.

My husband is a hero.

But it didn't matter to the prosecutor that the suspect recklessly swerved a stolen truck through city streets… that he was violent toward his ex-girlfriend and endangered the lives of her two children… that he pointed a stolen gun directly at a police officer.

For serving our community for over 20 years – and risking his life – my has been shipped to an out-of-state prison.

And since the Missouri Supreme Court recently declined to take up Eric's case, that's where he'll stay for the next six years unless he receives a pardon from the Governor of Missouri. He'll miss our wedding anniversaries, our children's birthdays, their graduations(?), and our home will be left without the father and husband we love.

Even if Eric's good name is eventually cleared, just thinking about the cost of his defense and now our efforts to get him pardoned is overwhelming…

... but thank God we got a call from Jason Johnson, President of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF).

If you've ever heard of LELDF you know they're a national group fighting on behalf of wrongly accused police officers like Eric.

LELDF has helped dozens of innocent cops – and their families – at their lowest moments.

And with the thought of trying to suddenly raise our three children alone – I was certainly at one of the lowest moments of my life.

Not only did the LELDF board decide to help provide Eric with the best possible legal defense, but now they're helping us launch a nationwide petition campaign urging Missouri Governor Mike Parson to pardon Eric.

But as a non-profit organization, they depend solely on generous gifts from folks like you to defend officers like Eric.

I truly believe God is using Jason and the LELDF to answer our prayers.

That's because my husband and I are not wealthy people. I'm a kindergarten teacher and Eric is a career cop.

So I must ask you one of the toughest questions I've ever asked anyone.

Will you donate $35 or any amount to LELDF today to help save my husband?

If I had anywhere else to turn, I wouldn't be so bold as to ask for your help.

But I am so scared for Eric and I will do whatever I can for him – and for our children.

So I pray you'll find it in your heart today to make a tax-deductible gift of $35, $50, $100 or more to the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund.

Eric and I – and our three kids – are counting on the good nature and generosity of kind neighbors like you to help bring Eric home where he belongs.

No matter what you're able to give today, please pray for us. Thank you in advance for your support.


Sarah DeValkenaere

P.S. The Missouri Supreme Court has declined to take Eric's case. Now a pardon is one of the last remaining options to bring Eric home. We're feverishly trying to raise the money to pay for a massive petition drive urging the Missouri Governor Mike Parson to pardon Eric. I know my husband is innocent. But it's so hard to be a cop these days. The ‘defund the police' movement has wiped out the support officers like Eric need to do their jobs.

And dozens of prosecutors across the country have made it a priority to try and lock up as many cops as they can. Even if they followed their training or defended themselves in the line of duty. The brave men and women in blue need to know that someone… anyone still has their back.

That's why I sincerely hope you'll help me get justice for Eric – and our entire family – by making a tax-deductible gift of any amount to the LELDF today.

Thank you, and God bless!

More such officers who sacrifice so much for will face similar fates unless we speak out and stand up for the brave men and women in blue. The next time you see a police officer in your community, please thank them for their service. To read more about our mission or the other Law Enforcement officers we're defending, please visit And remember –Blue Lives Matter!


© Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund |
2560 Huntington Ave. Suite 203, Alexandria, VA, 22303