Did you see what the Washington Post had to say about Montana’s Senate race, folks?

They questioned whether a Democrat could win in a state that “could vote for Trump by as many as 20 points?”

Well, I just have one thing to say about that — we did.

Back in 2018, this incredible grassroots team helped me win re-election despite mountains of outside spending and GOP attacks. And you can bet your you-know-what I’ll do everything I can to make sure Steve Bullock does it again in 2020.

Steve’s race is expected to be the most competitive election of 2020. Will you split a donation between our campaigns now to help us build the kind of movement it will take to flip Montana’s second Senate seat?

Donate now

Steve is currently neck and neck with his Republican opponent and he outraised him by $2 million last quarter. That proves we have what it takes to win this competitive race and bring Democrats one step closer to the majority.

But we can’t take our foot off the gas quite yet. Steve is facing a multi-million dollar cash-on-hand disadvantage and he needs our help to build a campaign that can win.

If you can spare it, will you split a donation between Steve’s campaign and our work to take back the Senate? Anything you can give will put us one step closer to winning this important election.

Donate now

Thank you for digging deep and giving what you can today. Because of folks like you, Montana will get two Democratic Senators and the country will get a Democratic Senate come November.

— Jon