Get out the Vote

Primary voting Deadline

August 10th, 2024


The policies of the Biden/Harris administration have continued to disappoint Americans across the nation, and Hawaii is no exception. With inflation continuing to rise and economic uncertainty affecting our daily lives, it's clear that we need a change in leadership. The future of our state and our country depends on strong Republican leadership that can steer us back on the right path.

Tomorrow, Saturday, August 10th, is a critical day for us. It's a day to show our strength and commitment to the values we hold dear. We need everyone to come together and get out the vote. Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or new to the cause, your effort makes a difference.

We encourage you to gather your friends, family, and fellow Republicans to join us for a Super Saturday of action. Door-knocking is one of the most effective ways we can connect with voters, share our message, and ensure that every Republican vote is cast.

Find a group near you, or start one of your own, and let's hit the streets.  Every conversation counts, and every vote is crucial.

Let's make our voices heard loud and clear. Together, we can make a difference for Hawaii and for America.

Mahalo for your dedication and hard work.

Tamara McKay
State Chair
Hawaii Republican Party

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