Friend --

The Zoom link for the 11 am International Peace Coalition Zoom meeting is here.?

Tonight at 8:00 pm, I will be joined by Prof. Steven Starr and Carl Osgood, to discuss what happened 79 years ago today in Nagasaki, and also the fact that war games scenarios depicting a war between Iran and Israel concluded that such a conflict would quickly lead to the use of nuclear weapons.

The efforts to silence critics of the NATO escalation against Russia, such as the raid on on my friend and former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter's home, and the harassment of former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, placing her name on a TSA "terror watch" list, indicate that the drive to wider war is on.? Join us tonight at 8pm, and tune in now, at 11 am, to hear from Helga Zepp-LaRouche and a panel of military and intelligence experts.

New York Symposium, August 9, 2024, 8:00 PM

Nagasaki 79 Years Later: "We've had our last chance"


--Diane Sare

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