Fulfillment Fund

August 2024 Newsletter

We are just two weeks away from the start of a new school year. And with that, we are thrilled to welcome a fresh cohort of high school students embarking on their college application journey. Our dedicated team of College Counselors is ready to guide these bright young minds through every step of the process, from researching potential colleges to crafting compelling application essays. This pivotal year is crucial, and we are committed to providing the personalized support each student needs to reach their academic goals. The enthusiasm and potential of our new students inspire us daily, and we can't wait to see the incredible paths they will forge toward higher education.

Learn more about our work.

Our commitment to students doesn’t stop at high school graduation. Over the summer, our team has been working diligently to ensure our recent graduates are fully prepared and enrolled for the upcoming academic year, successfully combating summer melt. We're excited to see our incoming freshmen take their first steps onto college campuses, knowing they have the full support of the Fulfillment Fund behind them. For our current college students, we continue to provide essential resources and mentorship, helping them navigate college life and stay on track toward earning their degrees. As they return to their campuses, our ongoing engagement keeps them motivated and focused on their dreams. Together, we're making a lasting impact, empowering these students to build brighter futures.

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Read a blog about our summer

Summer Engagement

We've had one of our most engaging summers yet! After a challenging few years due to the pandemic, we were thrilled to see our office buzzing with students once again.  From the Summer Welcome event to ice cream parties and more, our students have filled the office with energy and excitement. Want to see what we've been up to? Catch all the highlights in our latest blog!

Learn more about recent updates

FAFSA Update

The Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA) announced that the FAFSA for the 2025-26 academic year will be available on December 1, 2024. Although this is a later release date than usual, it allows time to ensure the form is fully functional and reliable. Announcing this timeline now helps schools and counselors plan FAFSA events and support students effectively. Read more about the changes we can expect this winter.

See highlights from our event

New Year, New Cohort

Last week, we welcomed 87 amazing students from the Class of 2025 to our Summer Institute. Over four days, they engaged in college application workshops, toured LMU and UCSB, and received invaluable insights from admissions and financial aid experts. Our students are now more prepared and motivated to tackle their college applications! Check out our photos.

Thank you to our funders!

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1150 S. Olive Street, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA 90015