A weekly roundup of ADL actions against antisemitism around the world
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A weekly wrap of ADL’s reports, updates and analysis on antisemitism around the world.

This Week’s Topline

How Antisemites and Anti-Israel Activists Are Targeting Hillels

Anti-Hillel Protest
Protest at Baruch College in 2024. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

Since October 7, Hillels on campuses have been among the most frequent targets of anti-Israel activists and other antisemites. Jewish students and Hillel staff received threatening emails and phone calls. Their buildings vandalized and tagged with graffiti, and Hillel-sponsored events protested. Anti-Israel student groups have even launched campaigns demanding that Hillel be banned entirely from universities.

Many of these incidents include references to the Israel-Hamas war, engaging in a classic antisemitic practice of holding Jewish people around the world accountable for the actions of the State of Israel. Calls to ban Hillel are in effect calls to fundamentally undercut Jewish life on campus for students and community members.

Read more from the ADL Center on Extremism about these alarming incidents directed at Hillels and other aspects of organized Jewish life on campus, and about the anti-Zionist groups that are leading these efforts.

REPORT: Hillels Being Targeted By Activists

What’s News

“Francesca Albanese, shame on you”: ADL’s Ken Jacobson points out the abhorrent statements from a high-ranking UN official. As Jacobson's op-ed notes, “It is highly disturbing, though not surprising, that UN Rapporteur on the Palestinian issue, Francesca Albanese, recently compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler. This extreme offensiveness by an official UN representative should disqualify her from her job. In fact, the seven largest Jewish communities around the world just sent a joint letter to top UN officials calling for her ousting from her position....” Read the full column here, in The Times of Israel.

Conspiracy Theory: UK Far-Right Riots are Israel’s Fault: It’s predictable but still problematic to see Israel scapegoated on social media as the cause of the riots raging across the U.K. involving far-right elements. The claims have zero basis, as ADL’s International Affairs team notes, but the conspiracy theories contribute to the increasing anxiety among Jews in the country, a segment of British society already alienated by an enormous spike in antisemitic incidents. Read more about who is fueling this toxic anti-Israel misinformation.

VIRTUAL EVENT — ADL and Reddit: Addressing Antisemitism Online: The ADL Center for Technology and Society has worked closely with Reddit to address concerns of antisemitism on their platform that were initially raised by moderators for Reddit communities that focus on Jewish topics. Join us to learn more about how ADL, Reddit and these moderators are helping make it a more welcoming place for hundreds of thousands of Reddit users. On Aug. 20 at 3 pm ET/Noon PT, hear from ADL experts and representatives from the Reddit policy and community teams to find out how they are working together to help keep online communities from being inundated with hate. REGISTER NOW.

Campus Crisis Update

Columbia. After the repeated disruptions at Columbia University last spring as anti-Israel protesters squatted in multiple encampments, occupied school buildings and antagonized Jewish, Israeli and pro-Zionist students, the school’s leadership is announcing strategies for this school year, including potentially expanding the role of public safety officers and giving them the authority to make arrests.

Georgia. After a lengthy open hearing at the University of Georgia, the panel of students who heard the appeal upheld the University’s sanctions against six student protesters who were arrested following an anti-Israel protest during the last academic year. The sanctions include suspensions from the upcoming Fall semester, and all six are barred from being on campus through Jan. 1, 2025.

If you are concerned about the ongoing antisemitism crisis on our college campuses, and don't yet get ADL’s Campus Crisis alert, please click here to subscribe. New bi-weekly editions will arrive in your inboxes the weeks of August 19 and 26 and we will return daily after Labor Day. Stay informed about the latest news affecting students on campus and have ways to take action and make your voice heard.

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Take Action Today

Make your voice heard! Tell Your Senators to Act Now to Protect Jewish Students. Following October 7, incidents of discrimination, harassment and violence directed against Jewish students on campus have dramatically increased. Click here to take action with ADL; urge your Senators to pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act and ensure Jewish students’ civil rights are protected.


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