
Tuesday, Election Day, was quite a day. You might even say it was a Super Tuesday.

I woke up early — 6-ish — and grabbed my iPad, immediately going to the Seattle Times website. Right before me was a large picture of Tim Walz and the story of his selection as the VP candidate.

I smiled big and, frankly, teared up. I served in the Congress with Tim. He is a friend and I can tell you that in an institution with no shortage of "healthy egos," Tim Walz is one of the most decent, humble, authentic, down to earth, commonsensical, and relatable human beings I have ever met.

I had been hoping he would be picked.

And then the day got even better.

Paula and I went out to dinner with one of my favorite state legislators, Rep. Jessica Bateman and her significant other, Alex. Great company but eating was our distraction from waiting for the polls to close . . . and the numbers to come out.

Here's the honest truth: all politicians feel angst about their numbers. I am no exception.

We finished dinner and retreated to her house to have ice cream — more eating-as-a-distraction. Then the results came in and Boom! Jessica, who is running for the state senate, had nearly 70%! Wow! She is going to be such a great senator.

And then a little while later (and after more ice cream), our numbers came out. Eventually, we were at about 49% out of five candidates statewide. That was a pretty big surprise. I had thought maybe 42% but hoped for 45%. My consultant (yes, we all have them) even says he thinks we will drift up over 50% in the days ahead.

Whether we do or not, it was a very gratifying night. Thank you to all who helped make it possible and to all of you who have been so generously supportive over the years.

But of course, our task is far from done. As they said when I was growing up working on the farm, "we plow to the end of the row." And I continue to need your kind help.

Will you please chip in one more time so we can get to the end of the row, finish the job, and keep working on more housing for all, for a healthier democracy, for a cleaner environment, and for a strong economy with good paying jobs for everyone?

I appreciate and thank you for considering,



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