Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Thursday, August 8, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Here’s What We Must Do
As the 2024 Presidential campaign lurches toward its traditional Labor Day start, a great transition is underway. No, not a gender transition (more on that below), but the transition of Kamala Harris into a moderate.
Improbable as it sounds, this transition is well underway. The San Francisco Democrat who was opposed to energy independence, supported defunding the police, and championed open borders is acting like she has abandoned those deeply unpopular stances. And a supine national media is cheering her on.
Can she and her running mate Tim Walz get away with this Kamala Chameleon act?
Well, let’s start with the fact that there are issues – two in particular – on which she and Walz won’t flinch. In fact, they are doubling and quadrupling their radicalism – abortion on demand and what I call the LGBTQ pride-or-else movement.
Many GOP leaders aren’t comfortable with these two subjects. The sting of recent losses on ballot questions on abortion is real. Tackling them now presents danger but also real opportunity. I’m not suggesting the Trump-Vance team ride into town with rhetoric blazing. They are hyper-aware of how many of their fellow Republicans have flinched when protecting the unborn became more than a theoretical possibility.
But they do have an opening to underscore the extremism of Harris & Co. Minnesota is a state that has enshrined abortion on demand until birth and even erased legal protection for children born alive in the course of an abortion. Harris, Walz and other Democrats want these practices legal until birth; they celebrate the rise in abortions and want taxpayers to fund every last one of them.
Americans are, for the most part, a live-and-let-live people. They are not anxious to bother themselves about the two men who live together down the street. But that vision of mutual privacy is not what today’s Democrats are about. They demand you join them at the pride parades as they encourage children to slip dollar bills into drag queens’ garter belts.
Now they have nominated their most radical national ticket yet: Two politicians who think it is the role of the state even to deceive parents and carry out the drugging and mutilation of children to carry out their “gender agenda.”
Democrats want you in the stands applauding while a male boxer destroys a female competitor at the Olympics. Everyone condemns domestic violence – now we are supposed to cheer it when the beating happens at the Olympics.
Of course, Republicans need to get back on their game on issues the Democrats know are losers for them: a sputtering economy, the death of our sovereignty at the border, unsafe streets, and wars across the globe. These issues remain uppermost in American minds.
But the Democrats have given the GOP an opening. No more do they bother, like Biden, to express any concerns about life and family issues. No more does either of their candidates pretend they are “devout” and care about our children.
As this campaign accelerates, the GOP can address the top issues and employ effective social media, paid ads and targeted messaging to underscore how far left the Democrats have gone.
Otherwise, this could turn out to be an election about nothing – freshly minted “moderate” Democrats versus a silent GOP. Entertaining but empty – except for the outcome, a nation veering into the void where neither virtue nor true liberty prevails.
Walz Flops?
The Harris campaign and their plentiful media allies are trying to promote Governor Tim Walz as “America’s Dad.” (Hillary Clinton tried to do the same thing with her vice president selection, Senator Tim Kaine, in 2016.) It is going to be a “hard sell.” Most dads, unlike Governor Walz, aren’t enthusiastic about their daughters having their breasts cut off so they can become “boys.”
Walz’s abysmal record in Minnesota is also getting attention. For example, his state leads the nation in COVID fraud. His Department of Education paid out $250 million to pay for meals for poor students during COVID, but the meals were never served. The money went into the pockets of Somalian fraudsters. Somalia is a corrupt nation and corruption permeates the large Somalian community in the Minneapolis area.
The “stolen valor” scandal is growing, too. Walz is on videotape repeatedly suggesting he fought on the battlefield in Iraq. That is a lie. In fact, when his National Guard unit got a warning to prepare to be sent to Iraq, Walz promptly resigned his position. The men he was supposed to lead were not amused and several of them are talking about it.
Christians in Minnesota are speaking up, too. Hispanic evangelical leader, Reverend Samuel Rodriguez and Minnesota megachurch pastor Robert Ketterling have called the selection of Walz a “strategic blunder.”
Virginia Beefs Up Election Safeguards
GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin just issued an executive order “codifying” election security procedures. The order covers ballot security, testing counting machines to make sure they have not been hacked and voter list maintenance.
Governor Youngkin described it this way, “We use 100% paper ballots with a strict chain of custody. We use counting machines, not voting machines, that are tested prior to every election and never connected to the internet. We do not mass mail ballots. We monitor our drop boxes 24/7. We verify the legal presence and identity of voters using DMV data and other trusted data sources to update our voter rolls daily, not only adding new voters, but scrubbing the lists to remove those that should not be on it, like the deceased, individuals that have moved, and non-citizens that have accidentally or maliciously attempted to register.”
Virginia is my home state, so I am doubly glad we are leading the way in securing the vote. Every GOP governor should issue similar executive orders.
By the way, before the “soft coup” that forced Biden to drop out of the race, polling showed Trump with a slight lead in Virginia.
