Dear Friends of 5 Gyres,

We have some big news to share, and hope you can join us in driving solutions!

Just last week, U.S. Senator Merkely (OR) introduced the Fighting Fibers Act of 2024 in Congress, which would reduce microfiber pollution by requiring a filter on new washing machines sold in the U.S. This federal bill is the result of years of behind-the-scenes work by our policy team and supported by 5 Gyres’ research that shows filtration works.

This is huge news, and underscores one of our guiding principles – using scientific research to identify the source of a problem. We spent years researching ocean plastics, most recently finding that 171 trillion pieces of plastic are afloat in the world’s oceans. But it was only when we discovered microplastics in the Great Lakes and identified the source - microbeads from personal care products - that we had our first major victory: a national bill that banned these plastics. When we can figure out where a problem is coming from, we are better positioned to solve it.

But we’ve been grappling with a big unknown lately, and we are hoping you can help.

You’ve likely seen the headlines - there are microplastics in our water, our air, our blood, our lungs, and our organs. Newer to our understanding is that many are coming from the very clothing we wear. Textiles are a major contributor to global microplastic pollution - fragments of polyester, nylon, and other synthetic fibers shed from our textiles into oceans, watersheds, agricultural soils, and the air we breathe.

This is why we have shifted our lens to understanding sources of plastic pollution, with a current focus on microfibers from textiles. The science on plastic microfibers has uncovered a massive threat to our health and the health of countless species around the world. We are quite literally eating, drinking, and breathing in these plastic fibers. We know the source, but we lack key research on how these fibers enter our airways – science we are currently conducting – and a path forward to implement collaborative solutions.

We are making progress, but to continue this vital work, we need to raise $30,000 by September 30. Your generous donation today will allow us to keep pushing for a planet free of this nearly invisible, yet no less insidious, plastic pollution. Every dollar counts! Our Board of Directors has generously offered to match up to $10,000, doubling your donation, to help reach our goal, execute cutting-edge research, advocate for policy changes, and educate communities about the plastics crisis that is threatening our planet and our well-being.

Together, we can be part of the solution and protect our planet for generations to come.

With gratitude,

Anna Cummins

Executive Director and Co-Founder

P.S. Do you work for an apparel company that matches charitable donations? Supporting 5 Gyres’ microfiber work shows your company that you care about what your clothes are made of, how they are washed, and where they end up. It also TRIPLES your donation with our match!

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The 5 Gyres Institute · P.O. Box 5699 · Santa Monica, CA 90409 · USA