FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Aug. 8, 2024 Contact: Jeff Pritzl, DNR Deer Program Specialist [email protected] or 920-336-3450
2024 Bonus Antlerless Deer Harvest Authorizations Available For Purchase Aug. 12
 The number of antlerless harvest opportunities will vary by deer management unit in accordance with local deer population levels. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR
MADISON, Wis. – To complete their purchase, hunters will need to know the deer management zone and unit in which they intend to hunt, determine whether they will hunt on public or private land and have a deer hunting license approval.
The first three days of bonus sales are management zone-specific, and the fourth day is open to all zones:
Aug. 12, 10 a.m. – Forest Zones (Northern and Central)
Aug. 13, 10 a.m. – Central Farmland Zone
Aug. 14, 10 a.m. – Southern Farmland Zone
Aug. 15, 10 a.m. – All zones available
The number of antlerless harvest opportunities will vary by deer management unit in accordance with local deer population levels. This allows for greater harvest opportunities where deer are abundant and a more conservative harvest where deer are fewer in number. Bonus antlerless harvest authorizations are available for purchase for the 2024 season in all deer management units except Ashland and Iron counties.
A listing of bonus antlerless harvest authorizations available for purchase in each deer management unit can be found on the DNR’s Antlerless Deer Harvest Authorization webpage.
As a reminder, a minimum of one Farmland Zone antlerless harvest authorization is included with each deer hunting license purchase in all Farmland Zone units. Some units will offer more than one antlerless deer harvest authorization with each deer license.
For more information regarding deer hunting in Wisconsin, visit the DNR’s Deer Hunting webpage.