Six years since we won the ban on bee-killing neonics in Europe, fields are still soaking in bee-killing pesticides.
Governments from the UK to Romania have approved dozens of temporary exemptions in the last year alone, allowing these banned chemicals to continue to poison our fields – and all because of some loophole in the law.
But with legal action, we can make governments enforce the ban.
If everyone chips in the cost of a coffee, we can build up a mega legal fund that bee-defenders everywhere can access to sue against these exemptions, and fight for stricter pesticide laws.
This won’t be one lawsuit – it will take many legal battles in several countries before we get these pesticides off our fields for good…John, can you chip in to help?
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Ever since we won the historic ban on bee-killing neonics, Bayer and Syngenta have been trying to undermine it – now they’re sneakily helping industrial farms come up with “emergencies” to dodge the rules and slip their toxic pesticides past all of us.
And it’s working. There have been over 65 approvals to use banned bee-killing pesticides across Europe since 2018. Dozens of new approvals have been granted even after the European Court of Justice issued a clear ruling last year: the use of emergency derogations to allow the use of banned pesticides violates EU pesticide law.
Make no mistake, this will continue to happen over and over again until the bee-saving ban is weakened and essentially useless. But we can change that.
Together we fought for and won the historic bee-saving ban on pesticides that’s sparked a wave of new restrictions and bans around the world – now we have a new fight to make sure our governments follow the law. Can you chip in to help?
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We’ve gone up against pesticide giants in court before – and won. Let’s create the biggest bee-defender legal fund in history and get bee-killing neonics off our fields for good. Are you in?