Let's make transport better, greener and fairer for all.
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Together, let's make international rail travel more accessible and affordable.

Hello Supporter

As you may know, taking the train instead of flying can drastically reduce your carbon footprint. But inconvenient services and high prices mean trains are often overlooked for international journeys.

That has to change. We're preparing a campaign calling on the government to create an International Rail Strategy and invest in improving international rail infrastructure and affordability. But we need your help to build the case.

Please take 5-10 minutes to complete our international rail survey. Your firsthand experiences and perspectives could make all the difference in our campaign to make international rail the easy choice.

Complete the survey
Your feedback will help us push for an International Rail Strategy that shifts journeys from air to rail, reopens key stations, and brings down ticket prices.

Together, we can ensure traveling the world doesn't cost the earth.

Thanks in advance for your participation.

Best regards, 
Michael Solomon Williams, Head of Campaigns

P.S. Please take a few minutes to complete our international rail survey. Your feedback will help us make the case for an International Rail Strategy that supports affordable, sustainable international rail options.

Image: Frederic Köberl via Unsplash
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