Hi John,
Did you miss our latest webinar, “Algorithmic Surveillance and Abortion Access”? No worries! There's still time to learn how the apps, websites, and search engines you use every day may be storing your data, and how to stay safe as an abortion-seeker and helper. In a post-Roe landscape, we deserve all the tools to understand privacy rights, especially when it comes to health care privacy.
Watch our webinar here.
Check Out What’s Going on This Month:

We Love Abortion Funds
Abortion funds are essential for people seeking abortion care, particularly for those who need to travel across state lines. These funds not only help cover the cost of the abortion but also provide support for lodging, travel, childcare, and other practical needs.
Read more about the importance of abortion funds in Texas here.
Self-care is an intentional practice that roots us in the present despite the oppression we may face. Regular self-care is essential for sustainable and effective activism.
Here are our self-care tips for August:
1. Stand up and stretch! I know, I do it too. I get locked into whatever I’m doing, forget to move my body, and then act confused as to why my back or neck hurts later. Remembering to stand up and stretch or hold some quick yoga poses helps my productivity and wellbeing a lot. It’s wild how much tension we hold throughout the day, and it’s nice to just prioritize gentle movement and breathing to ground myself during the workday and beyond. – Annie, Senior Special Projects Coordinator
2. Listen to a sound bath (in-person or online)! A "sound bath" is deeply immersive, full body listening experience that creates ambient sound waves and vibrations using gongs, singing bowls, tuning forks, and other instruments to put listeners in a calm, meditative state. Go to your favorite audio/listening app and type in "sound bath" in the search bar, and find a playlist or artist that fits your needs. Or, find an in-person sound bath near you! The vibrations from the sound bath can help with stress, fatigue, sleep, improved mood, and more. – Nataley, Executive Assistant and Senior Operations Coordinator
3. Get nostalgic! Sometimes, taking a trip down memory lane is exactly what I need to re-align with my core values. Checking in with past versions of myself encourages me to honor and reflect on where I've come from, what I've accomplished, the growth I've done, and all the things I still want to do. Grab a scrapbook, a diary, or an old friend, and get nostalgic! – Ani, Archival Research Coordinator
See you next month!
In Solidarity,
Erin, Shireen, Ani, Annie, Elizabeth, Jacqueline, Jasmine, Jessica, Kelli, Kieran, Laila, Nataley, Negar, Victoria, Stephanie and the Reproaction team
P.S. Do you feel like you did not engage in enough bold direct action this summer? Donate to support Reproaction’s organizing!