Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

54 years ago, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law. This historic legislation gave Americans the right to have a say in what direction this country takes.

Senator Chris Coons was humbled to attend the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday and honor the brave men and women who sacrificed so much to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge and demand equal voting rights. Despite the progress we've made, we must acknowledge that we're not done marching yet.

Chris has been a fierce leader in the movement to protect voting rights, introducing the Voting Rights Advancement Act with Congressman John Lewis to restore equal access to the ballot box for every American.

The civil rights movement is not finished. Join Chris in protecting our most fundamental civic right by signing our petition today.

The unfortunate reality is that it's getting harder, not easier, to cast a ballot in the United States. We have all heard stories about voters being turned away for improper identification, shortened polling place hours, and extremely long lines preventing working families from voting.

These examples occur in state after state, election after election, and over time they have eroded our democratic process and voters' faith in it. We must do more to protect our elections; the future of our democracy depends on it.

Chris is committed to creating the political process that Americans deserve by restoring the Voting Rights Act. Add your name to call on Congress to make every American's voice equal, once and for all.

Thank you,

Team Coons

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