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Over the past seven years, we’ve made New Hampshire the Gold Standard. With strong fiscal discipline and a focus on delivering for individuals, families, and businesses, we’ve transformed the Granite State into the Beast of the East. We’ll need another disciplined leader with the right experience and temperament to keep us on that path.
That’s why I’m excited to tell you today that Kelly Ayotte is my choice for Governor, and I’m reaching out to ask that you join me in supporting Kelly this fall.
I’ve known Kelly a long time, and I know she has the experience and the love for our state needed to keep New Hampshire safe, prosperous and free for future generations of Granite Staters. From day one, she’ll hit the ground running.
Kelly is 603 born and raised. She and her husband, Joe, raised their family here, too. Kelly served our state as a murder prosecutor, Deputy Attorney General, and New Hampshire’s first female Attorney General — serving both a Republican and Democratic Governor.
As Attorney General, Kelly worked tirelessly to keep our communities safe. As our United States Senator, she relentlessly defended New Hampshire’s Live Free or Die way of life against overly burdensome regulations out of Washington D.C. and stood up for hardworking Granite Staters.
I’m proud of the path New Hampshire is on — the #1 state in the nation for personal and economic freedom, the safest state in the nation, the most efficient government with the best return on investment for taxpayers, the best state for children, and the list goes on. We’ve worked hard to move New Hampshire in the right direction and Kelly will keep us on the right track.
You may have seen Kelly’s signs around the state that say “Don’t MASS Up New Hampshire.” They’re funny, but I hope they make you think, too.
Kelly’s right: New Hampshire is only one election away from turning into Massachusetts. Take my word for it as someone who’s had to veto income taxes and attacks on personal freedoms from the other side. We can’t let them put the Massachusetts model over the NH Advantage.
Kelly will always defend our Live Free or Die spirit. That’s why I’m endorsing her today, and it’s why I hope you’ll join me. Let’s win in November by electing a tough, homegrown leader who will keep New Hampshire safe, prosperous and free.

To victory,

Paid for by Friends of Chris Sununu - Paul Collins, Treasurer

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