Good afternoon Team Omar!

As most of you know, we're just about done with our nominating petitions, but there's still time to get your signature in!  You can find our petition at the Arapahoe County Democrats HQ for the next few days, and tonight, you'll find us at the Bent Barley Brewing Company from 6pm to 9pm for Bryan Lindstrom's petition party.  Tomorrow night, we'll be joining Juan Marcano for his party at Peak-to-Peak Tap & Brew from 6pm-9pm.

But getting Omar on the ballot isn't enough.  To get him elected as our next mayor, we're going to need to fight like mad.  We've always said we're up against big money, and now we know how much: Mike Coffman brought in $400,000, much of it from outside Aurora, in his effort to buy or city.  We all need to fight back with everything we've got.

So, if you can walk and knock on doors, Omar needs you to knock on doors. If you can't knock on doors, but can still speak, Omar needs you to call voters and tell them about the Our Aurora Campaign.  And if you can't walk, and you can't speak, you can still write postcards.

In the remaining days of August, can I count on each of you for two shifts?

If you're knocking, come to our office or one of our events for lists and literature!

If you're calling, email me here and I can set you up for calls in our office or at home!

If you're writing, come pick up your packets at our office or any of our events!

With your help, we'll show that Aurora is not for sale, and that we determine our own fate, alongside Mayor Omar Montgomery!

Let's go win this!
