I’m Bobbie Sackman, a member of the New York Caring Majority and Jews for Racial and Economic Justice. I’m thrilled to be joining Caring Across Generations’ “Who is Caring for Us?” Town Hall on Sunday (tomorrow!), and hope you’ll join, too. You can RSVP here, if you haven’t yet.
Caring Across asked me to share my experience with you since I’ve been on the frontlines of care for a good portion of my life. I’ve spent my career doing advocacy on behalf of older adults, so they would get the services they need to age in place. I was inspired to fight every day after watching my mother’s pain when my grandmother was in a nursing home and couldn’t get the care she needed. Now that I’m getting older myself, this work seems especially important.

This virus has upended our economy and exposed the problems of our caregiving system. We have an opportunity to come together to build the future we need. I’m planning to ask the panelists, “How do we build the feminist caring economy we need, together?”
Will you join me tomorrow? RSVP here.
The New York Caring Majority is so excited about this Town Hall, that we moved our regularly scheduled organizing meeting so we can all attend. You know something is important when you can get a bunch of native New Yorkers to change our schedules.
Now is the time to create a new system of care that honors our humanity and lets all of us and our loved ones live out our days the way we choose. Those of us who live these issues every day have the solutions we’re looking for, and we deserve the space and time to tell our stories and be recognized for our essential work, at this time of crisis and for the future.
I hope you’ll join the Town Hall meeting on Sunday (tomorrow!) at 4pm Eastern. We need more people like you to build this movement together.
RSVP here.
With care,
Bobbie Sackman
NY Caring Majority
PS — Click here to learn more about our work with the New York Caring Majority and JFREJ.