London Breed for Mayor


Yesterday, alongside Police Chief William Scott and District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, we showcased the game changing results of our new public safety drone program, which is making San Francisco a safer place for all of us.

This initiative, made possible by your support for Proposition E, has already had a significant impact and led to crucial arrests and charges, and are helping San Francisco achieve a decade-low crime rate.

Just last week, drones helped apprehend suspects involved in vehicle thefts and property crimes, directly leading to prosecutions that uphold justice in our community.

Integrated with other technologies like Automated License Plate Readers, these drones have been instrumental in quick and efficient crime response, from tracking suspects to aiding in arrests without the need for high-speed chases.

John, I’m so proud of the work we've done to improve our city's public safety – but I’m not finished yet. I have big goals for our future, which is why I’m determined to continue to serve as your Mayor.

My opponents have proven that they will do whatever it takes to knock me down. No matter how successful we are at improving public safety, building more affordable housing or improving the lives of San Franciscans. 

We can’t let them win and reverse the progress we’ve made. I need your help now, John.

Will you make your first donation right now so we can reach voters with my record of delivering real results for San Francisco?

I’m grateful for your support, John.

Let’s keep up the good work – together!

Mayor London Breed

Paid for by Re-Elect Mayor London Breed 2024. Financial disclosures are available at
