New York Times: "Nervous Republicans See Trump Sinking, and Taking Senate With Him"

Your contribution of $10 or more will help Democrats capitalize on this momentum and put us a step closer to defeating Donald Trump and taking back the Senate. Chip in now: 

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John — 

A bombshell New York Times report this morning details “ominous” GOP internal polling showing Democratic Senate candidates surging into the lead in Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, and Maine — enough races to flip the Senate! 

This report reflects what the independent polls and our grassroots team have been saying for months now: Democrats are in a strong position to defeat Trump and take our government back this November. 

But while these polls put Democrats in the lead, the truth is that Mitch McConnell has an army of right-wing megadonors breaking fundraising records as they launch nasty, misleading attacks on our candidates. 

McConnell and Senate Republicans are going to spend an absurd amount of money to undo our momentum and keep their stranglehold on our government. Democrats might even get outspent, but if our grassroots team has the resources to defend our candidates, we can take them on and win: 

Rush a contribution or $10 or more before our end-of-month fundraising deadline on Thursday to help Democrats take back the Senate and undo the damage Trump and McConnell have done to our country: 

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’ve said for months now that Republicans were in deep trouble, and it’s a testament to all your hard work and grassroots contributions that we’re in such an amazing position to take back our government. 

Thanks for all you do.

— Flip the Senate