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Dear John,

This crisis has shown everyone just how important it is to have an effective, responsive government. It has also reminded us of the qualities we need and deserve in our leaders.

We deserve a president who believes in science and listens to experts. We deserve a president who is informed and honest. We deserve a president who brings people together, rather than driving them apart.

Joe Biden has all of the qualities we need in a president right now. He has the skill and experience to lead us through this crisis, bring much-needed relief to the American people, and restore our standing on the world stage.

Now that Joe is our presumptive Democratic nominee, it's up to all of us to make him the next president of the United States. So please, make a contribution of any amount to our campaigns and get to work electing Joe.

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In this moment of crisis, it's more important than ever for our next president to restore America's faith in our government. Joe helped us rebuild our economy after the Great Recession, and as a lifelong public servant, he knows what it takes to lead with integrity and competence.

But right now, Joe's at a financial disadvantage because President Trump has built a huge war chest over the past three years. So we need your help to make sure Joe has the resources he needs in November.

It's clear that we can restore leadership to the Oval Office with Joe at the top of the ticket, but he'll also need a Democratic Senate majority to pass his legislative agenda.

Will you split a contribution of any amount between our campaigns so we can move our country forward? There is no limit to what we can achieve when we work together.

Thank you,


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