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Dear Friend,
Millions of immigrants are on the front lines confronting this pandemic as hospital workers, harvesting our food, delivering our groceries, and caring for our loved ones. In fact, one in four healthcare workers are immigrants. [1] Yet, too many immigrants, and the one in four children in America who are from mixed status families have been excluded from the COVID relief legislation passed by Congress. [2]
Now more than ever, this virus has shown us that we are dependent on each other and whether we are Black or white, Latino or Asian, native or newcomer, we must all pull together to prevail over this national health crisis.
This is a big deal. President Trump and some in Congress have attempted to divide and distract from the crisis by unfairly blaming immigrants and excluding immigrant families from health care and other essential services. This is both cruel and dangerous for our communities. It is more evident than ever during this pandemic that families, communities, and our country are stronger and healthier when every person, including all those in vulnerable immigrant communities, have access to health coverage and care.
To save as many lives as possible, it’s going to take all of us—regardless of creed, race, or immigration status—to be in this together. Immigrants are integral to America’s essential workforce at the frontlines of combatting the pandemic.
*When you click, you’ll automatically sign on to the following letter if we already have your information.
Dear Lawmaker,
We pull through by pulling together, like we have done in the past. Millions of immigrants are on the front lines confronting this pandemic as hospital workers, harvesting our food, delivering our groceries, and caring for our loved ones. The COVID-19 pandemic shows how critical it is for everyone to have access to quality, affordable health coverage and care regardless of their immigration status. Indeed, our own health depends on the health of the person next to us, and the person next to them. Ensuring others can access care is how we take care of ourselves. This is why it is critical for you to co-sponsor and pass the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act which will:
Thank you for your work on behalf of America’s families!
Most of us are scared, for good reason. But we will pull through this by pulling together. When we support the Coronavirus Immigrant Families Protection Act, we say ‘no’ to those who want to divide us and instead commit to ensuring that everyone can access health care—which will save lives.
→ Don’t forget to sign! Add your name to our letter that highlights the urgent health care and economic security measures our elected leaders can take to protect our most vulnerable community members. *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media: https://action.momsrising.org/sign/CoronavirusImmigrantProtectionAct/?t=10&akid=13805%2E2840598%2Eo5o4II
Together we are a powerful voice for the health of families and our communities.
-Tasmiha, Felicia, Donna, Kristin, Xochitl and the whole MomsRising / MamásConPoder team
[1] Immigrants Make Up 1 in 4 U.S. Health Care Workers https://action.momsrising.org/go/66174?t=12&akid=13805%2E2840598%2Eo5o4II
[2] Young Children of Immigrants The Leading Edge of America’s Future https://action.momsrising.org/go/66175?t=14&akid=13805%2E2840598%2Eo5o4II
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