We’re going for Every. Last. Vote.



I wanted you to see this. I received an email from a voter in the district with a few questions yesterday. I responded right away, which I always try to do (sometimes it slips a day between work and the campaign).


He replied to me almost immediately, and this part at the end really struck me:

A screenshot of a portion of an email which reads: “Again, thanks for responding so quickly, I was about to vote for Binda (as housing is a key platform issue), but being a Lynnwood resident the entier time he had his council seat he never responded to my emails. You’ve got my vote!”

This message references one of the three Democratic candidates challenging the Democratic incumbent and one of eight candidates total in the race. This same candidate has raised NO money, has done NO campaigning, and is nowhere to be found on the campaign trail.


In fact, none of them are. Our campaign has raised more than every other challenger to Larsen COMBINED. We’ve made over 200,000 voter contacts in just the last month – and we’re still winning over votes today, the last day ballots can be submitted.

I’m not running for Congress to get rich or make famous friends. I’m running because Rick Larsen doesn’t serve our community, and we need a representative who does.


That means showing up at the small communities out on the islands who never see their congressman or any other candidate.

A collage of 3 photos. On the top, a wide angle photo showing Jason Call speaking with a group of supporters gathered in an auditorium. On the bottom left, a photo of the sign outside the event center showing Jason’s scheduled appearance at 1pm April 14th. On the bottom right, another angle showing the crowd gathered around to hear Jason.

That means showing up on the picket line when workers in your district are fighting for their rights.

A photo of Jason and several supporters standing outside a Starbucks in WA-02 with signs supporting the Starbucks Worker Solidarity movement.

That means answering your damn emails – because if you’re not listening to your constituents, then what the hell are you doing this for?


This election is going to be decided today – not in November, today.


If any of the other campaigns take the 2nd spot in this primary, Larsen will cruise to an easy re-election victory and absolutely nothing will change.


But if WE take the 2nd spot, Larsen will face a real challenger for the first time in his quarter-century political career.


Even in these final hours, we are still winning over voters. Anything you donate today will help us stay on the phones chasing ballots and getting every voter across the line that we can. Anything we don’t spend today will be used to launch our general election campaign as soon as we win.


So if you want a congressman who listens, who fights alongside you, and who answers you when you need support – help me bring this home and make history as the first Green Party candidate elected to Congress.


In solidarity,




P.S. For people in WA-02, two important reminders:


Be sure to drop your ballots off NO LATER than 8:00pm. (Click here to locate your nearest drop box.)


Join our Election Night watch party at Crucible Brewery in Everett starting from 7:30pm.


Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at callforcongress.com, and donate today to help us make history.


You can follow Jason's campaign by clicking on the links below:


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Paid for by Elect Jason Call for Congress

 ©2024 Elect Jason Call for Congress, all rights reserved


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Elect Jason Call for Congress

PO Box 472

Marysville, WA 98270

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