We’re working to reach 10 million voters this year, which means we need every single member of this community to help us get there. We’re 13 weeks away from the end of the mailing window for our voter turnout letters, which means if you write just 20 letters a week between now and then, you’ll help us reach an additional 260 voters!
If letter writing supplies would help you write more letters this year, please request a Vote Forward Letter Kit today. Every single vote matters—especially in elections with slim margins—and that means every letter encouraging a potential voter to participate in our democracy matters, too.
Thank you, as always, for writing with us.
The Vote Forward Team
P.S. While our voter turnout letters should be mailed during the October 1–29 mailing window, other campaigns may have different mailing instructions. Please double check mailing instructions for your letters on the cover sheet of each letter bundle or by visiting your Vote Forward dashboard.