August 6, 2024


Matt Brodsky

[email protected]

RELEASE: Kamala's Pick of MN Governor Tim Walz Solidifies a Dangerously Far Left Ticket

Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District GOP-endorsed candidate, Dalia Al-Aqidi, released the following statement regarding Kamala Harris' choice of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate:

Kamala Harris solidified her America Last ticket with her pick of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. The selection makes the Harris-Walz ticket the most far-left ticket in U.S. presidential history. They make quite a match: Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn Minneapolis in 2020 and Kamala Harris promoted the Minnesota Freedom Fund to bail those criminals out of jail.

As Minnesota’s governor, Walz presided over ground zero in the 2020 riots and ordered the Minneapolis Police Department to abandon the 3rd Precinct, giving a green light to violent riots across the country. He oversaw the largest COVID relief fraud case in the country with the Feeding Our Future fiasco where $250 million was stolen. He increased state spending by 44% from $40.8 billion in 2019 to $58 billion in 2023 and squandered the state’s $17.5 billion surplus all while raising taxes. He passed Minnesota's version of the Green New Deal.

His anti-police platform led to an exodus from the Minneapolis Police Department—a 38% reduction from 900 officers in 2019 to an unsustainable 565 in 2024. Walz also presided over three of the bloodiest years in Minneapolis’ history as homicides surged. Downtown Minneapolis remains a shadow of its former self. 

He declared Minnesota a “refuge” for children seeking sex changes, signed bills providing health care and driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, and repealed protections for babies who survive abortions. Walz remained silent as pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers took over the University of Minnesota this year and bullied Jewish students, just as he remained on the sidelines when Minneapolis was set ablaze in 2020.

The highlights of his 12 years as a congressman representing Minnesota’s First Congressional District include meeting with Syrian dictator Bashad Assad in 2009 at a time when he was internationally isolated. He joined 16 Democrats in opposing the use of American force under Obama when Assad repeatedly used chemical weapons against his own people. He backed the 2015 so-called Iran Deal that legalized Iran’s industrial-sized nuclear weapons program while providing more than $100 billion in sanctions relief to the largest state-sponsor of terrorism.

Like Ilhan Omar and Kamala Harris, Tim Walz hasn’t met an enemy of America he won’t boost or ally he won’t toss under the bus. They are all peas in the same pod that will bankrupt America both economically and morally. We can’t afford to have them in office any longer, much less promote them to higher offices.

This year your vote matters more than ever.

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