Hi John –

The change in momentum for Democrats over the last month is incredible.

Now with our friend Tim Walz, America's most neighborly Governor, on the ballot in November, it feels like the wind is at the Democrats' back.

We need to keep this momentum going through November, and I'm ready to do everything I can do to help.

I'll be crisscrossing the state helping to make sure that Democrats at every level win this year. Please, chip in today to power my efforts to make sure that Democrats win every seat we can this fall!

We have a real shot at sending three more Democratic women to Congress this year in Rachel Bohman in Southern Minnesota, Jen Schultz up north, and Kelly Morrison in the western suburbs. There are also dozens of incredible candidates running for seats in the state house across the state that can win with our help.

With Governor Walz at the top of the ticket this year, the momentum is with us.

I'll be out at nearly every DFL bean feed, fish fry, or hot dish cook off this fall helping to fire up Democrats. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure we get thousands of volunteers out on the doors and on the phones with voters until the polls close.

I need your help to do this! Please, make a contribution today to power my efforts and help Democrats across the state win.

Thank you,


Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States