We have never seen anything like this before.
The most powerful and well-funded influence on local libraries is the American Library Association, which is now in the grip of the LGBT Marxist agenda. It is the duty of faithful and loyal Americans to fight back. You and I have successfully pressured NINE state governments to withdraw from the ALA! However, every day, they dig their roots deeper and deeper, consolidating power so that they can control the next generation of minds and indoctrinate the young with sexual perversion and leftist propaganda. According to a Fox News article from this year: “The American Library Association (ALA) promoted various LGBTQ stories and authors specifically targeted toward children and young adults at their annual conference this week.” “One session, titled ‘Beyond the Middle School Rainbow: Intersectionality in LGBTQIA+ Middle-Grade Books,’ featured queer and trans writers Claribel A. Ortega, Mark Oshiro, Robin Gow, and Mariama J. Lockington. The panel primarily discussed reaching out to a young audience in the midst of several book challenges and ‘bans’ targeting their stories.” The only way to stop them is if parents say, “Enough is enough,” and demand our tax dollars stop funding the perversion of literature in our children’s libraries.
With nine state legislatures hearing our demands, the momentum is with us! We are making a difference! NOW is the time for the House of Representatives to defund the American Library Association.
Sign the petition demanding Robert Aderholt, Subcommittee Chair, to stop funding the American Library Association. Or you may share this urgent petition via WhatsApp or Facebook. Demand that they stop funding the American Library Association. Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team --
Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Avowed Marxists and promoters of perversion to children have seized control of the most powerful library association in America. They have sworn to use their newfound power to spread Marxism, “Queer” our books, and subvert Christianity. They will surely succeed if you and I do not stand up to them. Please sign this petition demanding that your governor and state legislators cut ties with the ALA!
And demand Robert Aderholt (R-AL) Subcommittee Chair of the Labor, Health, Human Services, and Education Stop ALL federal funding of the American Library Association. SIGN THE PETITION NOW |
Dear John,
I have troubling news. Communists and promoters of perversion have seized the reins of America’s library system thanks to a takeover of the American Library Association. A self-described "Marxist lesbian" named Emily Drabinski has been elected president of this powerful organization. Drabinski crowed about her agenda on Twitter after her election: “I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary.” Drabinski has made it clear that she intends to use her newfound power to destroy capitalism, destroy the family, and subvert Christianity. She revealed her intentions in an article she wrote entitled “Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction” where she talked about ways to radicalize libraries, introduce children to perversion and attacked the Dewey Decimal System for being too friendly to Christians. Now that Drabinski has taken power at the ALA, she is seeking to turn America’s library system on its head and subvert these important institutions to serve her own deranged ideology. But you and I have the power to stop the onslaught of communism and perversion in our libraries. State and governments have the power to withdraw their membership in the American Library Association in protest of their filthy agenda and radical new leadership. Libraries should be run by their local communities, not by a centralized organization that has been taken over by communists and promoters of the "queer agenda". Texas, Montana and Missouri have withdrawn their membership from the American Library Association, cutting off their influence and some of their funding.
Sign Petition HERE
Now is the time to demand more states take action before it is too late. This is our opportunity to starve the American Library Association of their membership money and dramatically weaken their power. Right now the influence they have over our nation’s library system is immense. In fact, they bill themselves as “the voice of America’s libraries.” And they are using this power to push insidious ideas into the minds of children. According to a Fox News article from this year:
“The American Library Association (ALA) promoted various LGBTQ stories and authors specifically targeted toward children and young adults at their annual conference this week.” “One session, titled ‘Beyond the Middle School Rainbow: Intersectionality in LGBTQIA+ Middle Grade Books,’ featured queer and trans writers Claribel A. Ortega, Mark Oshiro, Robin Gow and Mariama J. Lockington. The panel primarily discussed reaching out to a young audience in the midst of several book challenges and ‘bans’ targeting their stories.” Additionally, they consistently promote the predatory “Drag Queen Story Hour” at member libraries by providing resources to libraries that host this LGBT propaganda party. They are pushing gay and trans propaganda onto young and impressionable minds. And now they have gone one step further and elected an avowed Marxist as their president. If America’s libraries become nothing but mouthpieces for communist and anti-Christian propaganda, America's children, our future, will surely be in grave danger. With your support, CitizenGO can push back this insanity.
Please CLICK HERE to demand that the government stop funding this organization that is targeting the innocence of children.
It is the responsibility of conservatives to pry back control of these important institutions and make libraries a place of free speech and wholesome learning once again. By starving the ALA of their membership and taxpayer funds, CitizenGO can weaken the American Library Association and allow locally-controlled libraries to flourish without their corruptive influence. All of this can only be done with your help. So today I am asking you to take action. FIRST, please sign the petition to the Appropriations Committee Chairwoman, Kay Granger (R-TX) and Robert Aderholt (R-AL)Subcommittee Chair of the Labor, Health, Human Services, and Education to stop funding the American Library Association. Then, SECOND, please share this petition with your friends and family – we all need to band together to restore sanity to our libraries. After you sign you will see how easy it is to share. Many politicians are simply too weak-kneed to take on a powerful special interest group like the American Library Association. They would prefer not to rock the boat in the hopes that the LGBT and communist activists or the liberal media will leave them alone come election time. That’s why it is up to grassroots groups like CitizenGO to hold these politicians’ feet to the fire and pressure them to take action. But CitizenGO is only as powerful as its members. Unlike Left-wing groups, we do not have the backing of deep-pocketed globalists like George Soros or Bill Gates. Nor do we take taxpayer dollars like the American Library Association. That’s why it is so important for you to act today. And once you have signed, please share the petition with concerned friends and family so that CitizenGO can rally opposition to this dangerous organization and protect America from the influence of communism.
Please click here to sign the petition the Appropriations Committee Chairwoman, Kay Granger (R-TX) and Robert Aderholt (R-AL)Subcommittee Chair to stop funding the American Library Association as it is overrun by avowed communists and promoters of perversion. Sincerely, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. An avowed "Marxist lesbian" has taken over the American Library Association, and she has sworn to use her newfound power to promote communist propaganda, push perversion to children and subvert Christianity. You and I must act now to stop them before it is too late. Please sign your petition urging Kay Granger and Robert Aderholt to stop funding the American Library Association, and then please share with concerned family and friends. We've made it super-easy for you to do.