Here are three reasons why Mikie needs your support today.

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill


Today is August 5, 2024. That means that Election Day is exactly three months away (!!)

Will you start a weekly $3 donation to help us make the most of these final three months before Election Day so we can reelect Mikie, flip the House blue, and get out the vote for Kamala Harris this November? Your donation will automatically cancel after Election Day.


In keeping with the theme of threes, here are three reasons why starting a weekly donation today will make a huge difference for Mikie’s campaign:

  1. Our democracy is on the ballot. In NJ-11, Mikie is facing off against a MAGA Republican who joined insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6th and is a vocal supporter of Donald Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen. At the top of the ticket, Kamala Harris is facing off against Donald Trump — who promised his supporters that they “won’t need to vote again” if he wins.
  2. We need to flip just four seats to take back the House. Over the next three months, Mikie is going all-in to flip key House seats from red to blue and surge support to vulnerable frontline Democrats in battleground districts across the country so House Dems can retake the majority and get to work for the people.
  3. Grassroots donations make the greatest impact right now. While we prepare to launch ads, deploy organizers, and stand ready to respond to right-wing attacks, now is the time when our resources are most needed — not right before Election Day.

Chipping in just $3 (yes, really!) each week helps us ensure that we have a steady stream of grassroots support we can count on as the intensity of this election ramps up and GOP super PACs begin spending their millions to defeat Democrats like Mikie.

So, will you become a weekly supporter of Mikie’s campaign by committing to a weekly donation today?


Thanks for your support,

Team Mikie