We emailed on Friday about the latest super PAC spending against Ilhan, and wanted to make sure you were in the loop.
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We emailed on Friday about the latest super PAC spending against Ilhan, and wanted to make sure you were in the loop.

Long story short?

The same group that spent over half a million dollars during our last campaign — most of it from AIPAC and their Republican billionaire donors — just dropped $30,000 on mailers supporting our opponent and smearing Ilhan.

With just 8 days to go in this primary, we need to fight back ASAP. And at an average of $19.88, our numbers show we need 1,509 grassroots contributions TODAY to do it.

Can you rush your first donation to stand with Ilhan right now? Anything you can add makes a difference. Here's where our daily goal stands right now:


Thanks for being with us. Especially today.

Team Ilhan




The same group who came after us in 2022 — using AIPAC's money from Republican billionaires — just filed a $30,000 expenditure with the FEC for attack mailers against Ilhan, only 8 days out from our primary here in Minnesota.

We've known from the very beginning that right-wing super PACs and their billionaire donors were watching our campaign closely. And today's the day we need to fight back directly.

Now, our campaign's average donation this quarter is just $19.88. Ilhan's very proud of that fact, and we hope you are too.

But it does mean that for every $30,000 in outside cash poured into our district, we need 1,509 grassroots contributions just to keep up.

That's why we're hoping we can count on you today:

Can you rush your first contribution — of $3 or any amount — to stand with Ilhan, especially today? Taking on the super PACs and their outside money to win this race is something we can only do if we're in this fight together.

With 8 days to go in this primary, it's clear that our fight isn't over yet.

This same group spent over half a million dollars in support of our opponent last cycle, so we need to keep the pace and then some every day if we're going to finish the job and send Ilhan back to Congress.

Thanks for being with us. More soon.

In solidarity,

Team Ilhan



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033