Mass shooting in Canada


Dear John,

The news out of Canada is devastating. Last Sunday, the country suffered its deadliest shooting in 30 years. A single gunman in Nova Scotia shot and killed at least 22 people and injured more than a dozen others.

Immediately, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged to strengthen gun laws, specifically banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

We are encouraged to see Prime Minister Trudeau take immediate action to prevent gun violence in this unprecedented time. But meanwhile, President Trump is busy doing the opposite.

We shouldn’t have to say this, but this isn't what leadership looks like. We need a President who will take common-sense steps to protect our safety — not one who causes more harm by inciting armed insurrections and spewing gun lobby lies. 

Tell President Trump that he has blood on his hands for failing to lead on the issue of preventing gun violence! 


VIDEO: Dr. Kyleanne Hunter and Sri Kulkarni (TX-22) Discuss Gun Safety & Violence Prevention

This week, Brady Vice President of Programs Dr. Kyleanne Hunter, a decorated Marine Corps combat veteran, teamed up with congressional candidate Sri Kulkarni (TX-22) — a former diplomat and U.S. foreign service officer — to discuss how we can prevent gun violence, including firearm suicide and domestic violence. Together, they cover how we can keep our families safe amid COVID-19 with unique perspectives and clear solutions. Visit Facebook to watch their discussion now. 

 Watch Now! 

Remembering Columbine 21 Years Later

This week marked 21 years since our country was devastated by the massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado. Thirteen people, including students and a teacher, were shot and killed and 24 others were injured. For many victims of gun violence, including those of Columbine, the impacts of trauma can last a lifetime.

Austin Eubanks was only 17-years-old when he was shot at Columbine High School. This tragedy led Austin to dedicate his life to helping people with addiction after he became addicted to the opioids he was prescribed for his injuries from the shooting. But for many victims of gun violence, like Austin, the trauma continued after the bullets stopped. This time last year, Austin died of an overdose.

Learn more about Austin Eubanks.

As our nation continues to practice social distancing and self-isolation, it is important — more now than ever — that we support those who need it the most. Read more about how you can support survivors of gun violence with our resources, tools, and tips in partnership with our friends at the American Association of Suicidology.

 Read more

Support Brady This #GivingTuesday by Creating a Facebook Fundraiser!

As an emergency response to COVID-19, another #GivingTuesday — a global day of giving and unity —  is planned for Tuesday, May 5, 2020. We’re asking you to support Brady by making a Facebook fundraiser in our honor.


Setting up a Facebook fundraiser takes just a few clicks, and Brady gets 100% of the donations! Simply choose the end date for May 5, name it for #GivingTuesday, and you're done! You can support us by sharing your fundraiser with your friends leading up to #GivingTuesday on May 5. Create a Facebook fundraiser now!

Thank a Hero in Your Community for S.O.U.L of the Nation Saturday

One year ago today, Joe Biden launched his campaign with a powerful idea — that we are battling for the soul of our nation. In commemoration, we’re joining the movement to honor today as Service Outreach Unity Leadership (S.O.U.L.) of the Nation Saturday, or #SoulSaturday.

Today is an opportunity to thank community heroes and those on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic — including those fighting to end gun violence, from medical workers to violence interrupters. Watch our #SoulSaturday video from Brady President Kris Brown to learn what we're thankful for. 

 Watch now!

BREAKING: A judge in California stopped the enforcement of California’s law requiring background checks for ammunition sales. This decision comes despite the fact that evidence shows the law is effective. With an influx of gun sales and new gun owners, our nation's gun safety laws are more important than ever. Read our press release.

Do you listen to podcasts on Pandora? “Red, Blue, and Brady” is now listed there. Subscribe to our podcast now! 

🎧 Activism, School Shootings, and How to Define a ‘Survivor’
On April 16, 2007, a gunman shot and killed 32 people at Virginia Tech. Colin Goddard and Reema Samaha were in French class that day — Colin was shot and survived, but Reema was killed. The tragedy launched Colin into activism, as well as Reema's brother, Omar Samaha. Along the way, they became friends with Brady's Christian Heyne, a fellow gun violence survivor, and fought together for justice.

🎧The Risk of Xenophobia, Guns, and Coronavirus
One of the more disturbing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic has been xenophobic and racist attacks on members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. As a result, many media outlets have reported members of the AAPI community purchasing firearms. Hosts JJ and Kelly discuss with David Inoue of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). 

🎧 Virginia Tech and the Gun Show Loophole
Colin Goddard and Omar Samaha, survivors of the Virginia Tech shooting, join Brady to talk about that day, activism, and how they took on an undercover video project investigating the "gun show loophole." 

Brady Donor Spotlight: Josh Solomon of New York 

Josh Solomon is one of the founders and current principal of the Business of Sports School (BOSS), which teaches students the foundation of business and entrepreneurship along with academic subjects. BOSS gives many inner-city students in New York City the opportunity to graduate with both academic and business skills and a personal mentoring network in the sports community.

Josh serves on Brady's Regional Leadership Council in New York. As he tells it, "I got involved in the gun safety movement because I was tired of reading and hearing of the gun lobby manipulating the facts to sell more guns, even though public opinion was firmly behind reasonable limits that would increase safety, without limiting access."  

“It was at that moment I felt I could no longer sit on the sidelines. I looked up Brady online and got involved."

Want to find out what led Josh to get off the sidelines and join Brady? 

 Read more

Gun Sales Are Up Because of Coronavirus. So Is the Risk for a Woman to Be Killed in Her Home, Courier Newsroom 

D.C. Police Take Over as Federal Firearms Licensee in the District, Washington Post  

Virginia Finally Gets Life-saving Gun Laws, 13 Years After the Virginia Tech Massacre, Washington Post

Challenger to Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel Picks Up Another Progressive Endorsement, Fox News

Federal Judge Blocks California Law Requiring Background Check to Buy Ammunition, NBC News

We are proud to announce that Team ENOUGH Executive Council member Tatiana Washington was listed in the Root’s Top 25 Young Futurists of 2020 for social justice and activism! Tatiana’s personal mission to prevent gun violence started in Milwaukee, an area deeply impacted by gun violence, after her aunt was fatally shot in an act of domestic violence.

(L-R) Team ENOUGH Executive Council Member Aalayah Eastmond, Brady President Kris Brown, Rep. John Lewis, Team ENOUGH Executive Council Member Tatiana Washington, and Brady Vice President of Policy Christian Heyne, following a two hour sit-in at Sen. Mitch McConnell's office calling for action on gun reform. 

Tatiana organized her high school’s walkout movement against congressional inaction to meaningfully address gun violence, helping lead 1,500 students to walk out for 17 minutes of silence to honor the Marjory Stoneman Douglas massacre. More recently, she stood with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, calling for Sen. Mitch McConnell to bring Expanded Brady Background Checks to a vote one year after they were introduced. Today, she continues her advocacy by helping lead Team ENOUGH, Brady’s youth-led chapter, while finishing her freshman year at Trinity Washington University.

We are proud to have such a strong, committed voice leading the youth movement to prevent gun violence.! Send a tweet congratulating Tatiana for her recognition in the Root’s Top 25 Young Futurists!


“We are still in this fight and though the road may be long, we will prevail — both in Virginia and in many other states. Indeed, if [the passage of landmark gun reform legislation] can happen in Virginia, it can happen anywhere, and we will stop at nothing to make it so.” 

       — Brady President Kris Brown and Brady leader Andrew Goddard in the Washington Post




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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
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Paid for by the Brady Campaign. Contributions to the Brady Campaign are not tax deductible.

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