Tomorrow is the day, Election Day!
If you're able this morning, we're entirely funded by grassroots contributions from everyday people, and we sure could use a fundraising boost.
Imagine the resources involved knocking this many doors. We are drained. Your generosity has gone a long, long way, but, we're not done yet!
We cannot take anything for granted, because, in the end, there's only one number that matters — the final vote tally.
Our focus is on winning, winning for hardworking, everyday people.
If you put your faith in me tomorrow and this November, I'll be able to build coalitions in the House to champion rural life and use subject-matter expertise to solve problems.
This campaign has always been about the people and how attention to issues — and a Congressperson who gives a damn — can make life better for everyone.
Let's win this!
Friends, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your generosity, loyalty, and support. It means more than you know. Now, let's get out the vote! Let's win this!
Bob Lorinser
Candidate for US Congress
Northern Michigan / Upper Peninsula
Democrat, MI01