Urgent new call to action! The NIH just rammed through funding to kill a family of felines. It could happen at any moment. Read below to take action or unsubscribe.
Taxpayer—I’m writing to you today because a family of four felines is about to be mutilated and killed at NIH’s Georgia Tech laboratory.
Here’s what we know about the “GA 4:”
We also know that the poor cats are likely disfigured, deprived of food, and forced to run on treadmills. More on that below.
We also know that NIH just authorized a new payout. These fatal feline experiments could begin at any moment.
But there’s still hope for the GA 4. And that’s where you become a critical part of this effort.
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MaryAnn Hussey Lead Designer White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. Midnight Deadline: Taxpayer, I recently met a cat named Maria who survived animal testing and was retried to a sanctuary. Now, I’m raising funds to do it again for the GA 4! Tonight is our rapid response deadline. Here’s your secure link: https://WhiteCoatWaste.org/GA4
Our investigators just uncovered an unfolding horror story in the South.
Our government is about to kill a family of four felines in a Georgia laboratory.
In the last 72 hours, NIH secretly renewed the payout. The experiment could begin at any moment.
Emergency: Follow this secure link to chip in $4 (only one dollar per cat!) or as much as you can afford.
Save the GA 4
Stop Payout #R21EY033071 >>
Taxpayer, our team just uncovered NIH’s HEINOUS cat lab at Georgia Tech. And I can’t stop thinking about this family of four kitties.
Food deprivation. Skulls cracked open. Eyes disfigured. Forced to navigate obstacle courses and treadmills.
Other animal labs actually ship specimens to Georgia Tech because it has EXPERTISE in abusing disabled cats!
End Cat Experiments
Save a Family of 4 >>
Here’s what this lab has done to cats just like the “GA 4:”
Emergency Deadline
Send Help >>
Taxpayer, after 20+ years, dozens of corpses, and $3,300,000 from the NIH, one of the most notorious cat abusers is about to start ANOTHER round of kitten torment at Georgia Tech.
Unless we cancel this payout, NIH will exterminate this entire feline family. Their chief cat abuser has gotten away with it before.
Blood money is about to hit Georgia Tech’s bank account. NIH has already authorized the funding. The GA 4’s torment could begin AT ANY MOMENT!
Emergency! Send Help!
Save the GA 4 >>
Just a few years ago, White Coat Waste shut down the Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) lethal treadmill tests in Louisville.
Taxpayer, your donation ended a $1.3 million payout that tormented EIGHTY cats.
Now, here’s the key: Some of these VA cats were being transferred to Georgia Tech for specialized torment and testing. This is the very same lab!
That’s why I know we can save the GA 4 now… we know how to win this kind of campaign for cats!
Save 4 cats
Stop Payout #R21EY033071 >>
We’ve filed multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. We’re running hard-hitting advertisements to mobilize pet owners, taxpayers, and cat lovers. We're suing the NIH in court.
And we’re building bipartisan momentum in Congress.
We also introduced legislation to de-fund ALL cat experiments funded and run by the NIH. Every. Single. One!
Unfortunately, we’re fighting a lot of battles right now. NIH just rammed through funding. Which means we’re already behind schedule!
So please, please, PLEASE rush $4 (only one dollar per cat!) or whatever you can afford.
Please help us cancel payout #R21EY033071, support all our life-saving campaigns, and save the GA 4!
Please help!
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Amanda Nieves Digital Marketing Director White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. Taxpayer, please read this. Pets are family. But our government is hell-bent on DESTROYING this family of four felines. If your pet cat is part of your family like mine is...I beg you to give whatever you can. Here’s your secure link to help them. — Amanda
P.P.S. Extremely Urgent: NIH’s funding was just approved! Blood money is about to hit Georgia Tech’s bank account. The cat disfigurement could begin at any moment. HELP!