Welcome to our August 2024 Sister District DC Metro Area Newsletter!

With over 70,000 volunteers across the nation, Sister District is one of the largest and most effective progressive grassroots organizations in the country. 

Sister District DC Metro Area Newsletter
August 2024

In this newsletter, we will cover:

  • Another Successful Blitz!
  • Don't Miss Woodson Bradley (NC Senate 42) at August 14 Phonebank
  • Join Sister District DC Metro Area's August 13 General Meeting
  • We're Postcarding for Our Wave 2 Candidates
  • Fireside Chat with Voting Rights Journalist and Author Ari Berman  -- August 7
  • Save the Date -- September 5 Fundraiser with Anna Thomas and Woodson Bradley
  • Why This Matters

You Did It!
Congratulations on a ANOTHER Spectacular Blitz!

We BEAT our goal to raise $12,000 to support Woodson Bradley (NC SD42)!

Thanks to ALL our donors and volunteers who helped us with another amazing BLITZ! 


Don't Miss Woodson Bradley at Sister District's August 14 Phonebank

Woodson Bradley will make a special appearance at our August 14 phonebank!  Sign up today to phonebank for both of our candidates on Wednesdays, 6:30-8 pm ET!

Why phonebank? The data proves it: phonebanking is THE BEST volunteering option for remote voter contact. We identify supporters and let them know why their vote matters, speak with undecided voters, and recruit local volunteers. 

Each Zoom phonebank includes training and check-ins for first-timers (experienced callers can jump right in). We'll share successes and address questions throughout the session, all while contacting voters in crucial state legislative races. Our veteran phonebank leaders will help you get comfortable, increase your effectiveness, and make sure you have a great experience.

Can't make August 14?  There are plenty of other options to participate!  Sign up for one or more phonebanks below!


Mark Your Calendar --
Our Next Monthly Meeting is August 13

Please join us at our next monthly meeting on August 13 to learn the ins and outs of fundraising.  Sister District DC Metro Area's fundraising team will share with you some of the tricks of the trade they have learned over the course of planning many successful fundraising events and help you become a more effective fundraiser!


Our Zoom meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month starting at 6:30 pm ET, and last for approximately 45 minutes.


If you're new to Sister District DC Metro Area, this meeting will provide you with an introduction to our community. Meet fellow volunteers, learn what we're up to, see how you can take action with us, hear from special guests, and more. 


We hope you will be able to join us!


Interested in Postcarding?

We hope you will join us in writing postcards to voters!  If you would like to participate in this important effort, contact Allison at 703-597-9840 and she will send you postcards, stamps, script, and a return envelope.    


Join us on August 7
for a Conversation with Ari Berman!

We’re teaming up with Sister District National for a virtual conversation with voting rights journalist and author Ari Berman about his new book Minority Rule: The Right-Wing Attack on the Will of the People — And the Fight to Resist It. The book is a riveting account of the decades-long effort by reactionary white conservatives to undermine democracy and entrench their power—and the movement to stop them.


The conversation will be moderated by Gaby Goldstein, Co-Founder of Sister District National. There will be ample time for audience Q&A.


We’re excited to partner with Sister District National to engage our community in a conversation about the themes in the book, and how important it is for us to rally the collective troops to vote this year, all the way down the ballot.


Sister District DC Metro Area is thrilled to announce that we will be holding a live fundraiser for Woodson Bradley (NC Senate 42) and Anna Thomas (PA House 137)  with our co-sponsors, Diversity Matters, and members of The Woman's National Democratic Club, on Thursday, Sept 5,


Our goal is to raise $5,000 each for Anna and Woodson at this event, so please consider donating $50 in advance of your registration. There also will be opportunities to contribute at the venue!

About Woodson Bradley: Woodson Bradley is a domestic violence survivor and women's rights advocate running for election to the NC State Senate. After managing to stave off a GOP super majority in 2022, a single turncoat cost Dems dearly, enabling the NC GOP to enact severe restrictions on reproductive healthcare. We must elect Woodson if we hope to turn the tide and fight back against harmful anti-woman policies in the south.

About Anna Thomas: Born and raised in her district by a family of immigrants from India and Malaysia, Anna is running to protect essential freedoms and unseat an entrenched Republican incumbent in a critical PA House district outside of Philadelphia. In 2022, control of the PA House was decided by 63 votes in ONE race, so it is imperative we win Anna's seat if we seek to protect our progress and drive votes up the ballot in PA.

And don't forget to invite your friends!  Get others involved! Invite your friends to join us on September 5 and share the link below. Follow our candidates on social media. Find everything you need to spread the word on our candidate pages.


Why All THIS Matters...

We're In It to Win It!

You’ve probably heard that by jumping into the race, Vice President Harris already has generated an enormous outpouring of support and enthusiasm. In the first week of her campaign, she raised $200M.

We are seeing it at Sister District too. Last week saw our biggest digital fundraising weekend to date, bringing in more than $60k from thousands of donations – nearly half of them from new donors this cycle.

The grassroots is here and more energized than ever before. Together, we can make the difference between breaking a Republican majority in a crucial state legislature or flipping a presidential battleground blue. 

Now is the time for all of us to do our part. Sister District is supporting the top of the ticket by mobilizing voters in the most strategic districts in battleground states and electing progressive state leaders who will hold the line no matter what happens. 


This year, we’re committed to leaving it all on the field. We can’t wake up on November 6 wishing we had done more. 


Thank you for standing with us.


Your Sister District DC Metro Area Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Mary, Jeff, Sheri, Allison, and Lynn


Paid for by Sister District Project. Authorized by Friends of Anna Thomas (HD 137).