![]() Patriot, Big Brother wants to attack your privacy again. They’re threatening to end encryption as we know it . . . so it’s critical we tell them right now: HANDS OFF ENCRYPTION! In the aftermath of the shooting of former President Donald Trump, members of Congress should be asking some critical questions: • How could so many Secret Service personnel have committed so many acts of negligence at once? • Can the FBI be trusted to conduct an honest investigation into this? • What steps are being taken to ensure this can never happen again? Instead, these are the questions members of Congress are asking: • Can we use this incident to attack the Second Amendment? • Can we use this incident to expand the “homeland security” bureaucracy? • Can we use this incident to attack the right to privacy? It’s the government’s motto: “Never let a crisis go to waste!” They will never allow themselves to be blamed for any tragedy. They will always blame – and punish – the public. That’s why we should be all the more outraged when members of Congress come after encryption – because they want to punish you for what they failed to do. You see, government officials are whining the shooter had an encrypted phone with encrypted apps which are taking the FBI extra effort to crack open. And for years, the government has complained the “bad guys” are able to use encryption to elude detection – and therefore, none of us should have any privacy from their watchful eyes. It’s the same failed argument they use with guns: a bad person used a gun in a bad way and so every law-abiding gun owner must pay the consequences and give up their right to self-defense. The public is rightly outraged one of the most elite security forces in the world allowed a random 20-year old to climb up a roof, wander around in plain view, and then take position and shoot a candidate for President of the United States. So to deflect blame from itself, the Deep State wants to blame the privacy you and I enjoy. But the truth is obvious: the government has always used fear as a pretext for seizing liberty. Remember the dark words of John Ashcroft, U.S. Attorney General under President George W. Bush: “To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: your tactics only
aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve.” Patriot, right now the government spies on every one of us online, without a warrant, in sweeping mass surveillance programs and even data buy-ups from Big Tech. This is no “phantom” of lost liberty! Right now, our privacy on the Internet isn’t being protected by any law. Only by technology: encryption. And that’s what the government is coming after next. We’ve already seen the bill, the “Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act,” which could be brought back to life at any moment. It’s already written. That’s why you must tell your U.S. Representative and Senators right now: HANDS OFF ENCRYPTION. NO ASSAULT ON OUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY! They’re demanding a “back door” to your messages and communications for government officials – which of course would be a huge security weakness for any additional bad actors. When you build a back door for police, you build a lock that can be picked by hackers, foreign governments, and common criminals, too. Encryption is the best tool we have for safeguarding our privacy and security online. In a digital world full of cyberattacks and security breaches, encryption protects everyone, especially law-abiding citizens. Without true encryption, the Internet would become dangerous indeed. We need to nip this in the bud before legislation to attack encryption gains any momentum. Contact your representative and senators right now! There is no need to weaken encryption. Law enforcement can (and does) conduct investigations involving encrypted messages, which can be reported by users and accessed from either the sender or recipient’s devices. They also use a tremendous amount of additional information about users that tech giants like Google routinely collect. Making Americans more vulnerable just to make law enforcement investigators’ jobs slightly easier is an unnecessary and dangerous trade off. Lawmakers either don’t understand this simple concept – or they do and simply do not care, because they view your privacy as a bigger threat than identity theft. Help prevent this assault on your privacy before it gets off the ground – tell your U.S. Representative and Senators to protect your privacy and oppose any attempt to weaken encryption. Statists in D.C. insist you have to choose between privacy and security. But the truth is, encryption gives us privacy AND security, and without it, we would have neither on the Internet. The attempt to end encryption isn’t new, but the failed assassination has breathed life back into it. Even though it only took a
few days for the FBI to break into the shooter’s phone, Uncle Sam wants to be able to peek into your phone on a whim.
They’ve been pushing and pushing to shut down encryption for decades now. “To stop terrorism and organized crime, the American people must give up some of their personal freedom and privacy.” Janet Reno wrote that in 1994 as U.S. Attorney General. 26 years later, AG Bill Barr was pushing the same line. Patriot, it’s all part of
the same singular agenda as the National ID card, the Central Bank Digital Currency, and the vaccine
passport: total loss of your personal privacy. Campaign for Liberty supporters like you have played a vital role in stopping schemes like this from becoming law in the past, and I am convinced if liberty-loving Americans like you continue to help us put the heat on Congress, we can stop any last-minute attempts to sneak any weakening of encryption through Congress before the end of the year. But the attacks on your privacy are bipartisan, and that makes this a serious threat. The government is the bad guy, and it is bent on destroying anything it perceives as “subversive” – including your ideas on liberty. Your signed directive lets your representative and senators know we expect them to protect our God-given and Constitutionally-protected right to privacy. It lets them know you do not want the government to be able to break into your phone or access your private data. Take just one moment, right now, to make your voice heard! Then, please forward this message to your fellow patriots. And if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty’s work with a contribution. Your gift of $10, $100, or $1,000 or something in-between will help us fight this battle. When Congress attempts to sneak these liberty-stealing schemes under the radar, a big public outcry is often enough to get them to back down. We need to continue the fight, even during the summer recess, because the forces of tyranny will never just go away. Whether you can make a contribution of $10, $100, $1,000, or something in between, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director P.S. This fight is predictable, and it is coming, but we can nip this in the bud by flooding Congress with your directives to keep their HANDS OFF ENCRYPTION. Please take one moment to sign your directive right now! And then please consider a generous donation to help Campaign for Liberty fight this latest battle which had subsided during the Covid pandemic but is now roaring back to life. Our plates are full, but we must fight this tooth and nail! Whether you can make a contribution of $10, $100, $1,000, or something in between, any contribution helps us fight this battle. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of
education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |