Three days of focus on upgrading democracy with actions, talks, training and some creative fun.
Upgrade Democracy - 30th Aug to 1st Sep

Hello John,

XRUK will come together at Windsor to focus on ways to upgrade democracy - going from the world as it is, to the world we need, from powerless to empowered! 

🖤 Day 1: The System is Broken (Fri 30th Aug)
Join a big theatrical action to highlight how oily money controls our world.

💛 Day 2: Upgrade Democracy (Sat 31st Aug)
March to deliver letters to the King, written by you! Afterwards join a huge ‘Massembly’ asking how we can upgrade UK democracy.

💖 Day 3: Another World Is Possible (Sun 1st Sep)
Love is action. Step into a noisy, life-affirming march and grand finale.

Get excited by registering for the Open Call on Sunday 11 Aug at 7pm.  Hear more details to help you prepare, and get your questions answered.

We need YOU to make this happen! Come along for a day or stay for the weekend at the council and police approved campsite (plus other accommodation options available). 

There is a travel bursary scheme and if you are disabled or have any kind of access needs, please contact us [email protected].

Join us. One hour, one day or the whole weekend. Everyone is welcome, everyone is needed. We are all crew.

Love and Courage,
Extinction Rebellion UK

PS Hear more about the roles on offer TONIGHT at 7.30pm (Sun 4th Aug).

Upgrade Democracy on the Rebel Toolkit

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