Friend --

Although the insane NATO targetting of Russia through a devastated Ukraine is continuing to escalate, it now appears that a new front is being opened up in Southwest Asia: Iran.? Bibi Netanyahu, who is immensely unpopular at home, came to Washington, DC. to get a boost from his cultish followers in the Congress, including my opponent Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. He then brazenly ordered a pair of high level assassinations, including the murder of Hamas negotiator Ismail Haniyeh, while he was in Iran, thus assuring that the hostages will never be released and the genocide in Gaza will not stop, while simultaneously provoking Iran into a military response.

Where are the adults in the room???

The adults are being assembled by Helga Zepp-LaRouche from military and intelligence circles around the world, and in the United States Congressional candidate Jose Vega, and I are deploying our campaigns to bring a stern voice of reason into the otherwise chaotic U.S. Presidential election cycle.

This Monday we will be joined by new retired military and intelligence professionals to continue our dialogue and mobilization, which occurs on the eve of the 79th anniversary of the August 6, 1945 monstrous nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, done for terror purposes alone, as the Emperor of Japan was already involved in negotiating his surrender through Vatican channels in Europe.

No one will survive a nuclear war this time, so be there on Monday night, and put Friday, August 9, 11 am on your schedule as well for a special Zoom call on the anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki.




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