Your Intentions Three Holy Masses, Aug. 4-6

Dear Friend,
The Solemnity of the
Transfiguration of the Lord is this coming Tuesday, August 6 where the
splendor of Jesus’ Divinity was revealed to His Disciples. How can we
behold the glorious vision of Jesus transfigured on Mount Tabor in
our everyday lives?
Today is Day One of the Meditation and Prayer that will offer solutions on how
to get through days when every little thing irritates us.
In honor of the great Solemnity of
the Transfiguration, three Holy Masses will be offered on August 4, 5
and on the Feast day, August 6, for all intentions that will be
Have you submitted your intentions?
Please click below to include all
of your petitions for you and your loved ones. Be sure to include a
petition that Cardinal Burke will receive an abundance of grace.
May we contemplate the beloved face
of Jesus and long to be like Him.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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