In May, we succeeded in delaying the Pandemic Treaty at the World Health Assembly.
But the WHO and its allies are more determined than ever to fast-track this treaty by the end of the year.
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) has now laid out an aggressive timeline to ram the WHO Pandemic Treaty through.
With upcoming negotiation sessions scheduled for September and November, their goal is to have everything ready for a special session of the World Health Assembly by 15 November, 2024, to adopt this draconian agreement.
They’ve strategically left October open for various WHO regional conferences but plan inter-sessional meetings with experts to ensure no time is wasted.
I've learned about all these maneuvers in Geneva, where last week we protested again in front of the UN building (I'll tell you more about it below).
Yes, we knew they were going to maneuver to impose the approval of the pandemic treaty... but I didn't imagine they would do it so soon.
We are now fighting on two fronts to maximize impact.
We are not only campaigning fiercely against the Pandemic Treaty…
… but also aggressively challenging every member state to withdraw from the parallel agreement - the International Health Regulations (IHR) - which was pushed through at the World Health Assembly in May.
In a few days, I will send you a petition to sign asking your government to withdraw from the IHR as soon as possible. It's a trap. You have no idea how they operate here.
The fight for our freedoms against globalist overreach is intensifying drastically.
Remember, both these agreements severely put your fundamental freedoms at risk:
- Future pandemics declared by the WHO
- Expanded emergency powers for the WHO
- Isolation and quarantine imposed by unelected authorities
- Forced medical exams and vaccinations for travel
- High surveillance and controlled information
- The right to work, travel, or make medical decisions dictated by the WHO
Let me also stress - the sheer lack of transparency in these negotiations has been alarming.
Stakeholders have even slammed the process, calling it completely lacking in transparency, as the new rules excluded many from attending closed sessions.
This lack of transparency has destroyed trust and exposed their true intentions behind the treaty.
The desperate rush to pass this treaty shows a blatant disregard for public accountability and participation.
But the good news is, you and I are the unstoppable force we need!
Well, here is a fresh update on CitizenGO's relentless efforts at the United Nations to maintain pressure on the WHO to abandon the Pandemic Treaty.
But first, take a moment to watch this video!

It was a beautiful, sunny day here in Geneva, but the urgency of our mission was clear.
Our team on the ground, led by myself, Jason, and Lauren, worked relentlessly to mount further pressure on delegates and to protest vigorously against the WHO.
Our striking display was visible to everyone around. Delegates couldn't ignore our presence; they had to pass through a striking visual display.
A masked Tedros Adhanom, WHO Secretary-General, held oversized syringes, symbolizing the push to vaccinate everyone. This powerful imagery boldly exposed the elites and the Treaty for what they truly are—a totalitarian power grab.
We made it clear that we are watching and that you, together with millions of citizens worldwide, are standing firm against this treaty.

Let me tell you that no one else is fighting this battle with the same level of engagement, commitment, or strategic pressure, in this battle.
We are the only organization fighting this to the core, standing toe-to-toe with the WHO, showcasing our resistance at every INB negotiation session.
We are the only ones exposing the WHO’s lack of transparency and their aggressive power grab.
We are the only ones leading the fight on both fronts - opposing the WHO Pandemic Treaty while at the same time, pushing countries to withdraw from the IHR at local level.
This is why your support to us, is crucial.
We know we are your voice in this critical battle, and we will not back down.
Our presence in Geneva continues to be a testament to our unwavering commitment to defend our freedoms against the WHO’s totalitarian power grab.
But we cannot do it alone. We need your support - in these months, more than ever!
Stay with us in this fight.
Together, we are already making a powerful impact and can prevent the WHO from stripping away our freedoms with their Pandemic Treaty.
Thank you for always standing with us.
P.S. The fight is far from over. We've delayed their plans, but the WHO and their backers are relentless. With the Pandemic Treaty negotiations intensifying in September and November, we have no choice but to ramp up our efforts. Their alarming lack of transparency and rush to approve the treaty by November without public input make our vigilance even more crucial.
Stay with us in this battle—your dedication is essential to protecting our freedoms and stopping their totalitarian agenda. Together, we are already making a difference!