In a timely appeal, BBC Radio 4 is raising awareness about our charity and our efforts to reduce human trafficking. Longtime supporter of STOP THE TRAFFIK and beloved sports presenter, Simon Thomas from Sky Sports, will be sharing the story of a young boy STOP THE TRAFFIK helped protect, Ali.  

STOP THE TRAFFIK is currently developing a prevention programme in partnership with youth organisations to combat child criminal exploitation, and funding can support us to scale this programme into a national campaign.  

To listen to Ali’s story and learn how we can protect more people like him, tune into the BBC Radio 4 this Sunday, August 4th at 07:54 or 21:25, as well as Thursday, August 8th, at 15:27. 

All funds raised will be doubled through a generous match-fund**, helping us to develop and scale a national prevention programme to reduce child criminal exploitation across the UK.    

*Name changed for anonymity.   

**Up to £31,500. 

Last week, on July 30th, it was World Day Against Trafficking in Persons.  

The theme of 2024 is: Leave no child behind in the fight against human trafficking.  

We know that 50 million people, at minimum, are enslaved and trafficked across the world, and STOP THE TRAFFIK believe that figure is the tip of the iceberg. Recent figures reveal that 1 in 3 of those victims are children. We must prioritise prevention-based initiatives that create a safer future for those most vulnerable in our society, prioritising the safety of all children.  

If you are receiving this newsletter, it is likely you’ve been supporting STOP THE TRAFFIK and learning about this crime for some time. If you would like to read more about the reality of child trafficking on the ground, we have produced an intelligence report focused on child exploitation in Ghana for this group of readers. 

At STOP THE TRAFFIK, we are driven by a profound belief in the power of prevention. In 2023 alone, our outreach touched the lives of 9.6 million vulnerable individuals worldwide, offering vital safety information precisely when it was most desperately needed.
Our approach is deeply personal and proactive. We recognise that for many isolated individuals, especially children, their smartphone is a lifeline but also a potential gateway for exploitation. Traffickers exploit this vulnerability, grooming and targeting online. At STOP THE TRAFFIK, we harness the same digital platforms to arm at-risk individuals with crucial information, empowering them to protect themselves. Our global campaigns strategically target high-risk areas, equipping children with the tools and awareness to recognise and avoid exploitation.  

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to fostering preventative behaviours and ensuring that every child, regardless of circumstance, has the knowledge to stay safe and reclaim their right to a life free from exploitation. 

Together, we can build a future where every child can thrive without fear of exploitation—a future where prevention is not just a strategy but a shield of resilience for all. 

Meet Hodan*, a 14-year-old from Somalia, whose story echoes the plight of many young refugees. Forced to flee conflict, she embarked alone on a perilous journey to Greece, only to be exploited upon arrival. In 2024, child migrant arrivals in Greece have quadrupled, with 1 in 4 arriving without family. STOP THE TRAFFIK is dedicated to safeguarding these vulnerable minors through innovative data-sharing and targeted awareness programs. With collaboration and technology, we aim to prevent trafficking and protect the world's most vulnerable. Join us in raising awareness and help #EndHumanTrafficking. 

Read our latest blog post here.

*Name changed for anonymity.   

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