It’s no secret that Trump has a
tendency to ramble incoherently through rallies, flip-flop on his
stances, and come up with ideas so bizarre that people around him are
left dumbfounded. In short, most of what he says is unclear. But,
there is one thing that he has been absolutely clear on from the
minute we kicked him out of office back in 2020.
If we let him back in, he’s not
interested in leading.
He’s interested in being a dictator.

We get it. The orange man talks a
lot. Between all of his insults about this country, his complaints
about windmills, and his shameless plugs for his many grifts, it’s
hard to pick up on what actually matters.
What voters should be focusing on are things like his frequent praises for Hitler,
Kim, and Putin. His rhetoric that sounds like something pulled
straight from 1930’s Germany. And of course, when he actually says
that he wants to be a dictator when he takes back the White House.
These are what we have to listen for. These are the things we need to
show every last voter.
It’s a stiff goal, but we’re up to
the challenge. Get
behind us and help blast this video far and wide
-The Lincoln Project