HEADLINES: Harris vs Trump Survey Results | Time to Vote in 6 States! | Meet our Progressive Slates | Bernie on the Ballot | Major Party Reforms Victory! | DNC Kickoff with Rev. Jesse Jackson | & MORE!
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Right-wing billionaires, corporate cronies, AIPAC, and MAGA donors are pouring millions into Democratic primaries trying to unseat some of our top progressive champions in Congress.
We refuse to let powerful voices like Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Pramila Jayapal, and others be silenced by the donor class.
Our Revolution and the progressive movement are mobilizing to out-organize Big Money. This means speaking directly to voters through phone banks, online outreach, and knocking on doors.
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Following President Biden’s debate, Our Revolution surveyed over 35,000 of our supporters, and we were among the first grassroots groups to sound the alarm about Biden’s diminished chances. We polled again after Biden passed the torch, and we’re putting your input into action.
That’s why we’re urging VP Kamala Harris to commit to a strong, progressive economic agenda — which 73% of you tell us is key to helping ensure a defeat of Trump in the swing states and beyond this November.
Nearly 1 in 3 progressives are uncertain about Harris’ prospects to beat Trump, and say the best way for Dems to win is to tackle the economic struggles of working-class Americans. Harris is clear on the fight to save democracy and protect women’s reproductive rights, but our members want Harris to expand the base and campaign on kitchen table issues to win in swing states. Read more about our survey results here.
Top priorities include campaign finance reform and standing up to corporate power, climate action (end fossil fuel subsidies, lower energy costs and create jobs), health care (end medical debt and expand Medicare - dental, hearing and vision), a permanent ceasefire in Gaza (and redirect military spending), affordable housing (plus a 5% cap on rent prices), raising the minimum wage, growing unions, and universal childcare.
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This month marks 8 years since Bernie founded Our Revolution and sparked a movement that has advanced the progressive agenda at every level of government and elected 1,000+ progressives across the country!
Right now, AIPAC and rightwing mega-donors are targeting some of our top progressive allies in Congress, and we have great opportunities to expand on Our Revolution’s mission to build down-ballot progressive power.
Check out our powerhouse progressive slates below — and please donate any amount to make sure we max out our GOTV work to elect progressives in each of these states!
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Tuesday is the last day to vote in Missouri for US Rep. Cori Bush and Our Revolution’s amazing slate of progressives from Governor to the State House and St. Louis Committee.
We’ve been proud to help build a progressive governing majority in St. Louis with Our Revolution Board Member Megan Green leading the Board of Aldermen. Local leaders and organizers have worked to deliver real change — from taking on big developers to growing labor power.
Now, we’ve got to protect and expand the gains we’ve made — and that starts with re-electing one of our most formidable partners in Congress — Cori Bush.
“If we want a brighter future for our country and our world, we need to make change that people can feel,” Cori told us. “We build power by getting more of us in there who are willing to put our minds, our bodies and our reputations on the line to deliver equity and justice for our communities.”
In addition to supporting Cori, we’re organizing to elect a progressive Governor in MO! Crystal Quade has led in the State House to restore our abortion rights, stand up to corporate special interests, and stop China and Russia from buying up farmland and squeezing out local farmers.
Ben Murray, Bill Stephens, and Marty Murray are all running for State House to make a difference on gun reform, the environment, worker rights, LGBTQ+ and racial justice, and much more — including fixing the broken Missouri Legislature with direct democracy initiatives.
As St. Louis Sheriff, Alfred Montgomery will build a community that thrives on trust, transparency, and unity. He will bring his focus on youth and anti-poverty initiatives, and has plans for restorative justice and jobs programs for exited offenders.
And, Mike Gras is running for St. Louis Committeeman in Ward 9 to be a champion for democracy, housing, reproductive rights, and top notch education for every child in the city.
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We have an amazing slate of progressives in Vermont for the State House and Senate, Lt. Governor, and of course, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders! Last day to vote is Aug. 13.
We have a chance to send VT Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky to the State Senate to continue her work for climate justice, affordable housing, living wages, social justice, universal healthcare, and fair taxation.
And, let’s re-elect Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman and VT Reps. Emilie Krasnow, Brian Cina, and Emilie Kornheiser — who recently passed an historic law in Vermont, forcing fossil fuel corporations to pay for the climate damage they cause.
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Tuesday is the last day to submit ballots to make sure we re-elect US Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-7) and elect top environmental champion Dave Upthegrove, as WA State Public Lands Commissioner.
Pramila Jayapal has been a critical ally for our movement as the Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. She’s led on the Medicare for All Act, defending abortion rights, passing the largest-ever climate bill, and challenging MAGA extremists.
And, we are excited to support King County Councilman Dave Upthegrove to combat the climate crisis by preserving mature forests while working to prevent forest fires and grow the local economy. He will fight for clean energy and affordable housing, and would be the first openly gay statewide executive in WA State history!
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We’re getting out the vote in Michigan by Tuesday for U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Layla Taha for State House (HD-25) and Alyshia Dyer for Washtenaw Co. Sheriff— all endorsed by Our Revolution.
Rashida Tlaib has been a fearless champion for a ceasefire in Gaza, racial justice, and working people, and we need to keep her voice in Congress!
Layla Taha, a longtime public health advocate and community organizer, will bring the fight to the State House for affordable healthcare for all Michiganders, a livable wage for working families, and environmental justice to ensure everyone has access to clean water and air.
Alyshia Dyer will create a sheriff’s office that respects and protects the whole community. Experiencing homelessness as a juvenile informed her focus on community support and social justice. She’ll also bring her experience in social work and Detroit's Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Department.
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Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has a target on her back from AIPAC and far right donors because she is dauntless in her call for Peace in Gaza and her fight against corporate power — but our movement is getting out the vote through Aug. 13th!
Ilhan and Bernie recently introduced the End Polluter Welfare Act, which would end tax loopholes and subsidies to Big Oil. She passed the MEALS Act to protect student meals during school closures, and her advocacy for student loan cancellation led to Biden’s debt relief for thousands of borrowers.’
Let’s make sure Ilhan stays in Congress to carry on these fights!
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In Florida, Jacqueline "Jack" Porter is the clear choice for Tallahassee City Commission, where we are just two seats away from achieving a progressive majority. Vote by 8/20!
Porter is focused on the affordable housing crisis, economic insecurity, gun violence, and environmental justice — but says "the biggest underlying issue facing our community is whether we’re going to be a city led by the public interest or a few special interest groups that have run the city for far too long."
Jack’s strongest opponent is a real estate developer backed by the police union.
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Please chip in any amount to power our voter turnout operations across the country in 2024. As we battle Trump and the far right, we must invest in defending AND expanding progressive power up and down the ballot.
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Since Bernie founded Our Revolution eight years ago, we’ve been working to transform the Democratic Party nationally and within the state parties.

Last week, after years of organizing, the DNC Rules & Bylaws Committee voted to extend critical reforms indefinitely, and send our proposal to DNC convention delegates in Chicago for final approval.
These reforms include reducing the power of superdelegates in the presidential nominating process, and mandating all 57 state parties adopt same-day primary voter registration and vote by mail.
The Unity Reform Commission was launched by 1,300 Bernie delegates at the 2016 convention and co-chaired by Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen. In 2020, with the backing of over 1,000 Bernie convention delegates, we successfully extended these reforms for the 2024 cycle.
Add your name and tell DNC delegates to vote YES and continue the reforms our movement organized to win when Bernie was on the ballot.
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Chicago DNC Kickoff: Celebrate Rev. Jesse Jackson
Join Our Revolution, The Nation and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition on Aug. 18 at 6pm CST for an evening of reflection as we honor the legacy of the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. and discuss how to advance his legacy into the future.
Campaigning as an unapologetic progressive, Rev. Jackson remade US politics with a pair of hard-fought campaigns for the Democratic presidential nominations of 1984 and 1988.
These campaigns broke new ground, showing that it was possible to form a multiracial working class coalition for political change, and inspired Sen. Bernie Sanders when he ran in 2016 and 2020.
Our Revolution Chair Larry Cohen will speak at this special event with Revs. Jesse Jackson Sr. and Al Sharpton, along with U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee, Ro Khanna, Jamie Raskin, Jonathan Jackson, and many others!
Join us for what promises to be a special evening ahead of the Democratic National Convention.
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The Stronger Denver campaign just notched a huge victory! Collective bargaining rights for all public sector workers will be on the ballot in Denver, CO this November.
Thanks to all of you who raised your voice and helped Our Revolution mobilize support, Denver Mayor Mike Johnston and the City Council have agreed to put the measure on the ballot — and Denver voters will now get the chance to vote for collective bargaining for all city workers!
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At this moment, we must carry the message of peace in any way we can. Every purchase from our merch store helps fund our movement. Check it out here!
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