Dear John, 

Ramadan Mubarak to all who are celebrating (in ways that none of us expected). I hope you find ways to connect to loved ones virtually, and make this time meaningful despite the physical distance and isolation. Thanks to Kensington’s Aamnah Khan for sharing this hadith, which seems so appropriate at this moment: “The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.”

Some of the most suffering in our state has been in nursing homes, full of older adults with underlying health conditions. New data released by New York State in the last week has highlighted nursing homes as an epicenter of infection, where more than 3,500 people have died, though there still isn't enough testing to have a full picture. 

Here in our district, the Cobble Hill Health Center reported 55 recent deaths likely due to coronavirus, the highest in the state. A lack of testing (only one of those people was actually tested for the virus), nursing staff, masks, gloves and other protective equipment has contributed to making nursing homes susceptible to rapid spreading of the virus. Donny Tuchman, who runs the Center, shared that at some points, staff wore garbage bags for protection. Some worked 16-hour shifts, and still there were not enough staff to cover the need. At times, patients were dying so quickly that the center just could not keep up.

I visited the staff at the Cobble Hill Health Center twice this week, bringing masks with Representative Nydia Velasquez, and coffee and donuts with the Cobble Hill Association. Neighbors are cheering for the healthcare workers there every night. Staff are deeply appreciative of the community support (and the donuts too), but gowns and testing supplies and additional nursing staff are what they really need.

In response to the terrible news coming out about the spread of the virus and rising deaths in nursing homes, Governor Cuomo has announced an investigation into whether nursing homes are complying with required measures to protect residents. Nursing homes have responded by criticizing a March 25 directive, intended to keep hospital beds free for COVID-19 patients, that required nursing homes to admit or readmit people who may have had COVID-19, possibly contributing to the spread inside these facilities. 

That people are dying rapidly in our nursing homes, without even a hug at the end, is a tragedy that lays bare widespread failures in the systems we set up to take care of our elders. That the blame for this deterioration of caregiving has devolved into a “he said, she said” squabble is one more depressing piece of this rotten crisis. 

Still, I’m grateful to the staff at Cobble Hill Health Center, and in nursing homes around the state, who are trying their best to care for patients (and their own health) under impossible circumstances. This is a very hard time for them and their families, and of course for the many many families who are suffering through lack of information about their loved ones, or even a chance to say goodbye. 

The Cobble Hill Association is setting up a fund to support the staff of the Cobble Hill Health Center, who have grappled with so much heartbreak and stress over the last few weeks, you can contribute here

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Upcoming Parent Call

Join us for our next parent support video call, as we work together to share best practice parents, commiserate, and offer some support for parents with school-age kids. We will hear some honest talk, as well as some tips about what is working, from parents with varied experiences with remote learning with their kids from preschool to high school age. Bring tips and suggestions for fellow parents about what is working for you and your kids. 

Lander for NYC
456 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, Suite 2
Brooklyn, NY 11215
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