John -- Resource Generation is seeking a full-time (remote) Database & Digital Engagement Manager to build database best practices and digital campaigns to support building Resource Generation’s membership and impact. 

Please see job details and application instructions here.

We are accepting applications through the end of day on Friday, May 1st. 



This is a new position which will take the lead on implementing database standards and leveraging its capabilities to do many awesome, critical things like support membership drives, support online and on-the-ground campaigns, track collective resource mobilization, train and support our members across 16+ chapters in using our current suite of digital and database tools, including EveryAction, Hustle, WordPress/website, among others.

We’re looking for a candidate that has two primary qualifications:

  • Experience with and interest in using digital and database best practices for organizing. At RG, we are using our database specifically to support RG’s membership program, resource mobilization, campaigns, etc, and other RG priorities. This includes any work that you think translates well to meeting these needs. 
  • Someone who is data and systems-minded – you can dive into a database and configure it to meet our needs, and present this information to others in accessible and compelling ways (with some on the job training and support). We will consider any experience you think translates well to this work. 

By more effectively mobilizing our growing base to act, more money will move to social justice movements and more young people with wealth will participate in campaigns to address the root causes of wealth inequality!

In community, 
The RG Team


