🏆 UK court rules oil projects must report burning emissions - a huge win for climate
A Greenpeace-supported court case on oil drilling has ended with a big win for the climate. UK fossil fuel projects will no longer be allowed to ignore the emissions from burning the fossil fuels they extract. Until now, the government granted permits based on emissions from extracting fossil fuels and the oil companies’ assessment of those emissions. Now, they will have to report on the emissions from burning fossil fuels too. This landmark victory, achieved with your support, is a major win for climate activism. Thank you!
🏆 Dutch Senate closes Groningen gas field - a major climate victory
After years of campaigning from Greenpeace Netherlands and our allies in the country, the Dutch Senate has announced that the Groningen gas field - the largest in Europe - will permanently close. This is a big victory for our climate, nature and communities. Fossil fuel gas belongs in the past, and we’ll keep taking action worldwide to make sure that’s exactly where it stays.
🏆 200,000 supporters like you in the UK secured a government committed to green energy
As the 2024 election approached, over 200,000 supporters like you worked together to push climate and nature up the agenda. Together, we’ve built a powerful movement of Climate Voters across the UK that has opened up conversations, empowered thousands to use their voice, and made politicians listen to the needs of the people and planet. We now have a government that has promised to stop new oil and gas licences, and has a plan for rolling out green energy and warm homes. That is an incredible result.
🏆 EU sanctions halt Russian gas imports to Finland and Sweden
After over two years of campaigning, including multiple actions in both Sweden and Finland where tankers were blocked, the EU has decided on sanctions that effectively stop the import of liquified fossil gas natural gas from Russia to Finland and Sweden.
🏆Palau first to ratify UN Oceans Treaty; more nations follow
Last year, after a global Greenpeace effort, the UN Ocean Treaty was signed. The treaty sets the rules and tools for protecting ocean life. Most importantly, it provides a pathway to creating marine protected areas across the world’s oceans. This January, Palau became the first nation to officially sign the Global Ocean Treaty into law. Since then more countries have joined Palau and signed the treaty into law including Chile, Belize, Monaco, Seychelles and Mauritius. Now we need the UK government to step up and ratify the Global Ocean Treaty into UK law.
🏆 European Nature Restoration Law passed to protect biodiversity hotspots
The European Nature Restoration Law was passed! This law is the most important piece of environmental legislation in Europe in decades, aiming to restore and protect European biodiversity hotspots. With lobby letters, social media pressure, political meetings and some actions over the last year, Greenpeace helped push Members of the European Parliament to vote in favour of the law, and later pushed the environment ministers to adopt the law.
🏆 Taiwan passes Marine Conservation Act - empowering communities and protecting our oceans
After almost four years of campaigning, Taiwan passed the Marine Conservation Act, a legal tool to expand marine protected areas (MPAs) and keep up the pace to join the global efforts to protect our oceans. The act establishes a mechanism for civil society to participate in the discussion of setting up new MPAs and empowering local communities and Indigenous groups in the policy-making of ocean protection works.