Babin Bulletin | August 3, 2024 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email

The Biden-Harris Administration Freezes Controversial Migrant Flight Program After Fraud Revelations
The administration has paused its flight program that has funneled 30,000 migrants from four nations directly to the U.S. monthly after a new report showed “significant amounts of fraud.”

This program has been nothing but a Democrat pipeline to get more illegals into America.

To read article, please click here.
Plea Deals for Terrorists
Nothing is more disgraceful than the Defense Department striking plea deals with the terrorists who planned the 9/11 attacks that killed 3,000 Americans.

If ever the death penalty was deserved – this was it!

Absolutely disgusting.

To read article, please click here.
 Biden and Harris Push to Overhaul the U.S. Supreme Court
When the Left doesn't get their way, they attempt to thwart the Constitution and change the rules.

Biden and Harris are trying to overhaul the Supreme Court so they can stack it with radical judges. We cannot let them succeed.

To read article, please click here.
This Administration's Idea of Security Enforcement
First, two Jordanian nationals entered America illegally and were released into the interior of the nation.

Then, they were arrested and turned over to ICE after attempting to breach Quantico.

Now, they were released AGAIN.

This is the administration’s idea of security enforcement.

To read article, please click here.
The National Debt Surpasses $35 Trillion
 Reckless Democrat spending is draining our coffers and saddling future generations of Americans with unimaginable debt.

We must alter course and find a path to fiscal stability before it’s too late.

To read article, please click here.
Wokeness Continues to Weaken Military Readiness
Our woke leadership is destroying the best military in the world and ensuring that we will lose the next war.

To read article, please click here.
U.S. Job Growth Slowed, Unemployment Jumped in July
Job growth is going down, while unemployment is going up.

The Biden-Harris administration is killing America’s economy and workforce.

To read article, please click here.
The Left's Desperate Attempt to Absolve Border Czar Harris
The liberal media is desperate to absolve Kamala Harris of any responsibility for the border crisis – but it won’t work.

Americans know she’s done NOTHING but enable and exacerbate illegal immigration to the U.S.

To read article, please click here.
 Skyrocketing Credit Card Delinquencies
 Credit card delinquencies have reached a 12-year high as Americans continue to suffer from Bidenflation.

To read article, please click here.
More Suspected Terrorists Caught Sneaking into America
 More illegals with terrorist ties were caught sneaking across our southern border.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, who knows how many suspected terrorists have successfully infiltrated America.

That should alarm everyone.

To read article, please click here.
A Congressional Probe Launched into VP Harris' National Security Advisor
A congressional probe has been launched into Vice President Kamala Harris’ national security adviser over his ties to an Iranian government influence network.

Americans deserve to know if Harris is being advised by someone in Iran’s pocket.

To read article, please click here.
A Ticking Time Bomb
“…America currently spends $2.4 billion in daily interest fees alone.”

National debt is one of our most serious problems – a ticking time bomb.

To read article, please click here.
An Illegal Alien Shoots a Texas Police Officer
A Texas police officer was shot by an ILLEGAL ALIEN who crossed the Biden-Harris open southern border and was then released into our country.

“Suspect caught by Border Patrol in November 2023, released into U.S. with April 2026 court date..."

To read article, please click here.
A Party Run by Radicals
Pro-Hamas groups like the one shown in the video below are pulling the strings of Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party.

It’s alarming to know that the Left is being run by radicals who hate all that America stands for.

To watch video, please click here.
Congratulating Chief Jimmy Singletary
I offer my sincere congratulations to Beaumont PD Chief Jimmy Singletary on his retirement after 54 years in law enforcement!

An outstanding career in protecting and serving Jefferson County communities.
Hosting a U.S. Service Academy Forum
I invite all interested students, parents, and educators to attend my U.S. Service Academy Forum.

Representatives from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy will present information about their academy application process, attending a service academy, and the role of an officer.

What: U.S. Service Academy Forum
September 14, 2024
Hardin-Jefferson Junior High School, 3025 TX-326, Sour Lake, TX
1:00 to 3:00pm CT

Please view the flyer below for additional information!

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Recovering From Hurricane Beryl
 If you received hurricane damage – please report it by clicking the link below.

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You can also use the following QR code to track any new storms that head our way!

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Let Us Help You
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.

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Let us work on your behalf!

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