Dear John,
Sign the AFT letter: Include investments in state and local governments in COVID-19 recovery
- Facebook Live today at 3 pm: CFT classified leader Carl Williams joins Jeff Freitas
Governor Newsom announces LCAP extension to December 15
New CFT resources for COVID-19 pandemic
Sign the AFT letter: Include investments in state and local governments in COVID-19 recovery
Even with everything our members, frontline workers, and communities have done during this crisis, our students will have even greater needs when our schools ultimately reopen. Public services have been stretched to the max, after years of underfunding. For the foreseeable future, our communities will be coping with the loss of family and friends, record levels of unemployment, and an economic crisis on par with the Great Depression.
Tell Congress to include investments in state and local governments in the COVID-19 recovery
If we are going to survive as a nation, we will need a massive reinvestment in public services. We must fund state and local governments, public school systems, and the U.S. Postal Service to keep them afloat during this tough time. After a decade of austerity politics, state and local public services are dealing with unprecedented demands—at the same that time tax revenues are cratering.
Please add your name to this letter today, and tell Congress to include investments in state and local governments in COVID-19 recovery.
Facebook Live today at 3 pm: CFT classified leader Carl Williams joins President Jeff Freitas
CFT President Jeff Freitas will be joined by CFT Council of Classified Employees President Carl Williams today at 3:00 p.m. during his weekly Facebook Live broadcast on the CFT Facebook page.
In addition to providing analysis on the latest updates from the week, they will discuss what a “day on the job” is like for classified workers right now, and how access to PPE and other safety issues are impacting workers as we continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic.
Note, this event was rescheduled from last week.
Governor Newsom announces LCAP extension to December 15
Yesterday, Governor Newsom released an executive order extending the deadline for local educational agencies to submit Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP) to December 15. The extended deadline recognizes the challenges school districts and local education agencies face during the COVID-19 pandemic, and provides flexibility for agencies to continue focusing on dealing with the crisis.
As part of the order, local educational agencies will be required to publish a written report to their communities explaining how they are responding to COVID-19. They will be required to explain steps they have taken to deliver high-quality distance learning opportunities, provide school meals in non-congregate settings, and arrange for supervision of students during ordinary school hours.
New CFT resources for COVID-19 pandemic
We are continually updating our rich collection of resources on everything from face coverings to unemployment. Here’s a sampling of what’s available:
NEW! Our Unemployment section summarizes CARES Act relief and its unemployment portion (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance) as it relates to "normal" Unemployment Insurance. Our FAQ for Members also has a new tab for Unemployment with helpful questions and answers.
Learning at Home has links to the "official" distance learning resources from the California Dept. of Education and the California Community Colleges — and an excellent CFT-curated collection as well.
To keep up on education news during the pandemic, make sure to check out our Rolling Updates, which capture key happenings for K-12 and community colleges in quick bites.